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His delicate fingers encircled around your sylphlike waist. Your head fell into his square shoulders as his soft grip lifted you steadily on your twinging feet. He pulled you against him to hold you, in solitude with him. Your gnawing mind focused onto Chrollos steady heartbeat adorned inside his proud chest. To feel his calmness, soothed you, deep sighs exhaled, burdening thoughts within them.

Soft lips gently hovered close to your left ear, "I'm sorry, let's sleep." His voice whispered like liquid silk oozing into your hot skin. The tranquil he brought to you was craved, it seemingly only occurred after his striking unrest ensued first.

His face leaned down to stare at your fragrant hair. His nose slowly inhaled, taking in your comforting scent. He waited
for your first movement in response to his mollified request. Your graceful fingertips inclined towards his snowy neckline. They danced dreamily to the back of his warm neck. There your head lifted, your hand tugging at his neck in support, your eyes angled to his, his irises grew in size, his soft lashes fluttered to gaze your tear-stained, shimmering eyes. Your neck reached higher, your unsure lips grazed against his, but soon turned up to his narrow cheek. The hesitant touch induced a sudden reaction in Chrollos calm attitude. His hands holding you, loosened, as his sense of loosing you pressed forward.

A slight inch now separated you and Chrollo. Before it seemed as if you were two as one, but the atmosphere shifted, surprisingly setting you at ease. Unfortunately Chrollo did not feel the same but wouldn't dare make your fragile mind notice. His plans hadn't occurred for you to ever show up, leaving him with an untimely sequence of decisions. These choices seemed dictated by fate, until tonight, Chrollo had seen his forsaken future, in form of a eerie poem.

His thoughts were dispersed by his wondering eyes. Your body moved agilely across the cloud bed sheets. Your nimble figure curled into its self like you'd been a wild fox slumbering sweetly. His allure to your fateful dictation grew as his grasping eyes reached out for your compelling embrace. He only envisioned you so harmoniously in his dreams. The outline of his dreams tip-toed quietly into his dooming reality. The embodiment of his dreams lay within you, the two of you loved each other, both unknowing that you orchestrated the symphony of his enteral demise. The woodwind, strings, brass, and percussion all played pivotal roles, all controlled by your wishes of the stars.

Chrollo snapped quietly out of his bulging thoughts. His arms lifted to take off his velvet long robe, revealing his ivory torso. His black pants bunched slightly as his knee but remained wrinkle-less. He leaned over to you before slowly wrapping his intricate touch around your tender skin. His gentle fingertips pressed against you sending butterflies throughout your distant body. Your disarray couldn't last his near body. Your eyes flinched tightly shut, it was better to turn your mind off and sleep than to think so overpoweringly. Darkness filled your vision and your buzzing body soon fell weakly to sleep.

Chrollos eyes never shut nor did his mind silence that night. His soft hands slowly lifted from your warm touch. He examined you closely for any signs of movement, he could only see the movement of dreaming under your eyelids, your seductive chest moving up and down, and your parted lips releasing soft exhales. His body moved swiftly out of the bed, his movements were stealth. He walked over to your sleeping body and his towering chest leaned over to kiss you lightly like he'd down ever night. After his rich lips pulled away, so did his feet, further he walked towards the door ahead. The night had been long but hid him well as he descended to the stairway that lead to the roof. The broken stain glass of the building sent howling chills of wind that echoed throughout the empty floors. The steel railings matched his cold touch as he continued climbing the steps. His hand wrapped leisurely around the handle of the giant metal door, only a slight push opened the heavy door. The moon was full, it shined its spotlight directly on the familiar foe who leaned forward over the stone barricade. Chrollo silently made his way over to the tall shapely figure, he stood only a few feet away as he leaned over the same stone as him. Hisokas eyes turned slowly but grew brightly in shock to who stood beside him.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒓 & 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒄𝒆 (hisoka x reader x chrollo) Where stories live. Discover now