Lifeless Doll

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Meanwhile in York New City...

The lights in this city would've made her smile. This view is freeing. Chaos is coming, chaos is here. I've achieved my motive, except I was never really sure of it. The key to that answer has yet to be discovered, but that's my main goal. Maybe she's the key? Things have changed so vastly over the time I've known her, I've changed. She makes me panic when the only thing I've ever felt was calmness. I wouldn't say calmness, more like nothing, blankness. She makes me enraged, in love, sad. How does she do it? How can I? She's my key? I think I've known this, but then why am I doing this? I don't know, I never know. Why does everyone, including myself, look to me for an answer? When I never know anything?

Chrollo stood staring out into the bright city ahead. His figure casted a shadow across the wall from the window. The shadow was high and slim behind him, it was demonic, as he stood thinking about you while watching the city burn at his bidding.

Your eyes peeled open from the drowsiness that weighed them down. Your hands gripped a soft bedsheet,

These feel like the ones from the motel, the motel, Chrollo, Chrollos body, Chrollo!

Your mind raced as you body sprang up to find him. But you'd been restricted and pulled back by the steel handcuffs attached to each hand on the headboard behind you.

Your breathing grew heavy as your strength decayed from thrashing your wrists trying to break the handcuffs. Until the door knob ahead of you began to turn, and the huffing grew silent.

"You're awake" The man said without looking at you. He walked to the tiny table and grabbed a remote. The TV flickered past the static and started airing the news. His face showed nothing but emptiness, he wasn't someone you knew or could recognize but his presence was insidious.

"I'll be back." He said as his black flowing hair walked out the door.

The news played clips of the city in flames and the body's of dead police. You knew deeply who was responsible for it all and the feeling made you uneasy. But your mind couldn't stray from hoping Chrollos body wouldn't appear on the screen. Then it did. His eyes were open, his hair was down, blood was splattered against his white unbuttoned shirt. His back leaned against the wall where he had been struck down. Your eyes watched through a television as your world fell apart. Everything felt lost, your head went blank as you screamed loud in the void in your head. Your body fell numb. Every cell in your skin felt like a 50 lb weight weighing you down.

Your eyes sank as you sat there, cuffed, letting the single tear drops fall before you yourself did. Although as realization kicked in, you found yourself sitting at the bottom of the ocean, skin pale, watching the dark blue void take the life out of you. Simply drowning without him.

Back to Chrollo...

I don't think I can even see her after this. She'll find out what happened, and she won't be pleasured by my merciless killing. She'll think it's meaningless, even though everyone who died tonight lived their life up to this point to die. She has to understand that it was fate no matter what, but now I can see her fate. Oh Y/n, please understand my goals and aspirations, as I promised you that you'd be the only one soon enough, understand and wait for me to hold you when I return.

Back to you...

The doorknob began to turn again, you couldn't even hear the mans footsteps as he approached the door. He was there anyways, standing in front of you with forbade in his eyes.

You couldn't even move your eyes to glimpse at the man, you just sat there, dead eyed, like a doll.

"Someone will be here soon for you." Illumi says blankly.

You stayed silent, not even hearing what he said. You just sat there, numb to noise, numb to everything around you. It was ironic, since your main ability involved taking away other people's senses, and now, you found yours being taken away too.

"You don't particularly talk much do you? Hm what an odd match for him." Illumi spoke his thoughts aloud.

"Just kill me already." You responded without again listening to what he said. You just wanted this all to end, it was all you wanted now that you couldn't have him.

"That distraught over Chrollo? Looks like I see who you really love. How disappointing, however, what's even more disappointing is that I won't be killing you." He responds with a sigh.

Your mind finally snapped as your ears took in the last part of his remark.

"Just kill me!" You yelled at him as pain filled tears flooded down your face. Everything was blurry and you pinched your eyes shut to stop the crying, trying your hardest not to feel the horrific pain edging all throughout your limbs.

When you opened your eyes, the tears continuing to fall, you saw a new silhouette in the doorway behind your kidnapper.

Your vision stops shaking and your blurry eyes tried to make out who was standing there.

Before your eyes could see the shadowy figure, it began walking towards you, until you felt it's touch consume you. The persons arms suddenly wrapped around you, one whiff of the their scent drifted into your nostrils. Vanilla and Sandalwood. You now knew exactly who was holding you so tightly and letting your tears fall onto them.

"Hisoka?" You whispered.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑱𝒐𝒌𝒆𝒓 & 𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑨𝒄𝒆 (hisoka x reader x chrollo) Where stories live. Discover now