Chapter 34 | Happy Holidays?

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Still (Y/N)'s POV
"It's time to time travel!" I said valiantly.
"Time to time travel?" Liu said, once again sceptically. "A bit on the nose, don'tcha think?" Liu asked.
"Yeah, I was gonna go with something like 'Operation Dragon!' But then I realised I didn't have an acronym so I just went with the first thing that came to mind" I explained with a shrug. "Gotta admit, sounded better in my head" I said, somewhat sheepishly.
"Well, at least you're honest" Slenda said, giving me a warm smile.

"While you two can flirt all you want, do ya think you could do it while you untie me?" Liu asked, with a tone that was an odd combination between nervousness and irritation.
"Well, Slenda? Think I'll be alright?" I asked.
"Well, as little as I trust Liu... I do trust you and your abilities" Slenda said, kissing me on the cheek. "But just in case, I'll have Ann and Helen follow you both, they may seem a bit more warm blooded than the others but they can certainly hold their own in bad situations" she explained, giving me a wink before she began untying Liu.
"Thanks, Slenda, I appreciate it" I said sincerely, a warm smile on my face. "I assume we're keeping this one quiet?" I asked, not wanting to ruin any pre-made plans.
"Yes, I'll have them sneak through the tree tops. Don't worry about them, I can assure you they are quite the stealthy pair" she assured as she freed Liu.

There was a moment of tension in the air the second Liu was released. Slenda did her best to be subtle, but it was quite obvious that she was in a stance that anticipated an attack. "Thanks for not doing anything too extreme, even though I got my ass kicked I'm glad I got to talk to my baby sister again. I think us talking without her trying to kill me for once is a good sign for us as a family" Liu said happily, hopping up and down slightly while clapping her hands.
"If only you weren't already with Zalga, considering how little trouble you've caused us-"
"Little trouble? You mean almost taking me and The Rake out and then holding her hostage?" I interrupted, my feelings admittedly hurt by Slenda forgetting.
"Let me finish, (Y/N)" she said, lightly flicking the middle of my forehead.
"Ouch!" I said, holding my forehead with both hands. It hurt emotionally and physically, even though I knew it was a childish thing to be upset about.
"She may have caused you a lot of grief in this timeline, (Y/N), as you have with us" Slenda began, ushering both me and Liu towards the door together. "But consider this: you both return to the timeline where (Y/N) recently disappeared..." Slenda began, almost as if she was beginning to tell a tale.
"Well that's the plan so far..." I said, obviously not following.
"Indeed, now please keep listening before you make any more contributions" Slenda said, leading us back up the long, gray, stone staircase.

"If you both were to return to the same time, you should have no issue finding each other again assuming you don't already show up at the same exit point. If you were both were to return here in the past together, on friendly terms mind you, what do you think would happen?" Slenda asked, posing the question to the both me and Liu as the three of us made it up to the kitchen. "Well?" She asked to our currently silent duo as she made a pot of coffee.
"I would have to fight everyone here?" Liu wondered, nervousness pouring through her every word.
"(Y/N)?" Slenda asked. "Do you think the same as Liu?" She questioned, putting a few sugar cubes in her mug.
"Maybe... not?" I said, my uncertainty plain as day.
"And why's that, as opposed to Liu? Who is known to work for my closest enemy?" Slenda asked, now poring the hot liquid into the cup she prepared.
"The fact that you didn't immediately try to kill her while she was unconscious speaks for something, first and foremost" I said simply, my own logic still rolling around in my head. "And... if we were on good terms... uhhh" I was speaking and thinking at the same time, something I was certainly not accustomed too. "Well considering your reaction to Liu when we weren't exactly friendly in the slightest, if I were to be the one to introduce her as my friend back then... you might consider taking her in? Is that even possible?" I asked, not sure where I was even in my own head anymore.
"(Y/N)..." Slenda said ominously.
"Are you saying you can't?" Liu asked, sounding incredibly disappointed and upset.
"What I'm saying..." Slenda took a deep breath before a big sip of her coffee. "Is that (Y/N)..." she sat her coffee down on the counter before turning around to face us, showing a massive grin on her face. "Is absolutely right!" She finished joyfully, the grin growing even more smug as she spoke.
"Seriously!?" Liu exclaimed joyfully, her eyes wide as she hopped up and down. "I can be with my little sister again!?" She added, trying incredibly hard to hold in her excitement.
"If would wish to leave Zalga, I would indeed accept you" Slenda said, her kindness finally showing again. "But before you can join us, you must convince Jess to welcome you back" Slenda explained.
"Want me to do it?" I offered, knowing my position gave me an advantage.
"How would you do tha-"
"Wait! New idea!" I exclaimed, dashing towards the living room with Liu in tow.

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