Chapter 45 | Crossing the line

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Still (Y/N)'s POV
"D... Dad?" I asked in disbelief, my voice wavering as I stared at the man in front of me in bewilderment.
"Why you lookin' so surprised, son?" He asked, a sadistic, shit-eating grin plastered on his face as he spoke. "Come over here and give yer old man a hug" he added, waving me over and doing his best to adjust his tone to be more friendly. I didn't respond however, I just stood there with my mouth agape. "Ain't (M/N) tell ya you'd catch flies like that?" He asked, clearly taking note of this. "Well, I guess it don't matter if you got that mask on" he added with a shrug.
'It... it can't be...' I thought as he continued to ramble to himself, my focus on the world slipping away as everything blurred together.

"(Y/N)? Need some help?" Someone asked, I couldn't tell who because I was in such a state of shock that I could hardly stay stood up, let alone focus.
"He's... he's..." I couldn't even articulate mentally because of the severity of this mental blow, and I was in such a poor state I didn't even consider adding distortion to my voice. 'I'm about to throw up...' I thought as everything came rushing in to my head at once.
"He's what? Spit it out already" someone else asked, but I still couldn't tell who.
"He's... my father... the real (D/N) (L/N)..." I explained, my stomach doing somersaults in all possible directions. Something else was said to me after this, but it was too late. There was a mix of screams and cries that interrupted the speaker, my focus finally coming back to the real world and the situation at hand. My attention that was directed towards the girls rushing over changed, my focus now being drawn back to my father once I felt a pain in my lower abdomen. I slowly looked down to see his arm pressed up against my stomach, and that's when everything came into realisation. I coughed up a large spurt of blood that coated the inside of my mask, but that mattered little in comparison to the knife that was currently being pressed into, what I assumed was, my stomach. Not long after I looked down, my dad immediately and forcefully ripped the blade back out and held it up to 'analyse'. The force of the pull combined with the angle caused my body to jolt dramatically before I dropped to my knees, clutching my wound in pain as I felt blood soak into my shirt and stain my bandaged hand.
"Damn, I guess all them beatins' toughened you up after all" he commented, most likely a comparison to my childhood and how I didn't die as fast as he presently assumed. "This normally kills people on the spot..." he mumbled to himself.
'Damn, the first real compliments from my dad just had to come out when he tries to kill me' I thought, chuckling to myself a little.
"Yeah, figures my kid that wasn't murdered got the psycho side" he groaned.

"Get away from him, you bastard!" Someone called, a flash of black and white dashing up to him with a weapon raised.
"You'll pay for this!" Another added, followed by the revving of a chainsaw.
"Heheh, look, son! Little heartbreaker, just like me" he said smugly, ducking under both attacks before spin kicking both of his attackers across their jaws and sending them far off into the mud. "Not the best choices, but at least you can spot a good bod..." he added lecherously.
"Your time is up, old man!" A familiar phrase was called out, the sound of a ticking clock incredibly prominent.
"Go the fuck to sleep!" Another catchphrase was yelled out in rage. Dad didn't even need to look this time, he turned sideways and dodged both knives before sweeping both of the girls legs and kicking them off in their own directions before they could even touch the ground.
"Significantly weirder, but still hot" he commented, lightning striking closer to the house as both girls hit the ground.
"We'll fucking kill you!" Four voices called out in unison, a flash of numerous colors all going for him at once as the sound of gunshots echoed in between rumbles of thunder. He nimbly dodged all of the incoming attacks before pulling out what looked like a similar baton to mine out of his back pocket, using it to kneecap the two tallest ones as he roundhoused the shorter one off into the distance. As the two taller ones dropped to their knees, he grabbed them both by the hair and used them to block four more incoming bullets. This caused shrieks of both terror and pain from a number of different people before he threw both of his 'shields' at the gunner, taking all three of them out in doing so. As he chuckled to himself villainously, I could feel myself slowly losing consciousness. I put more pressure on the wound as I heard several loud footsteps head in my direction from the house.
"F-f-for fuck s-sake..." a stuttering voice groaned.
"You put a hole in my shoulder, and in my (Y/N)... I'M GONNA CUT YOUR DICK OFF!" a much angrier voice roared.
"You better be careful... I haven't eaten today" another chimed in, a light, snake-like hiss punctuating their sentence.
"You really know how ta pick 'em, don'tcha, champ?" My dad asked, cracking his knuckles.

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