Chapter 8 | Exchanging pleasantries

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Still (Y/N)'s POV
As I was turning off the TV, I heard a shatter come from one of the rooms upstairs. As glad as I was that I hadn't fallen asleep by this point, I knew what the room the noise came from. It certainly wasn't mine. I plunged my hand in between the couch cushions and pulled out the Glock 17 that I had hidden beneath. 'How convenient' I thought as I loaded a mag and racked the pistol.

Holding the gun behind my back and pulling up my mask, I crept up my stairs and went to where the noise came from: my little sister's room. Walking in, the room was pitch black other than the light shining into the centre of the room from the window that was now very open. "'Sup?" I asked, using the voice which had become the default when dealing with 'odd' folk. Walking into the centre of the room and standing in the makeshift spotlight, I was met with silence as a response. "You honestly should stop breaking people's windows, it seriously ruins any possibility for surprises. Ya know?" I commented. Still silence. That was until... *BOOM* thunder rumbled in the background as lightning flashed outside, revealing a smiling killer stood next to the window. And with her face barely out of the light too. Her head was cocked to the side and her smile was as wide as ever, she held up her knife and my reflection stared back at me. "Have you come to finish what we started? If so, I have but one request... can we do this away from my little sister's room?" I asked her, pointing over my shoulder to the hallway behind me. I was once again be met with no response, but she took a step forward.

I was about to draw my gun, but before I could even blink she had lunged at me with extreme force. As I was hit by her shoulder, I dropped my gun as I went flying out of the doorway. Crashing into the wall, I saw her running straight at me. I brought my arms up as I watched her fists lead her charge, but even then I could feel every blow hit me harder than a semi-truck. In a panic, and not wanting to wait for her to start stabbing, I kicked her as hard as I could in her shin which caused her to drop to the floor and yell out in pain. This thankfully gave me a way to escape, and in turn my brain came up with an out almost immediately. When she landed on all fours, I bolted down the hall and then down the stairs before heading straight for the kitchen.

Jess's POV
'AGH MY FUCKING SHIN!' I mentally screamed, letting out a cry of pain. By the time I recovered, I saw this dirty grease-lord hop down the stairs and heard his hooded-ass run to the left after he hit the bottom. 'Hide and Seek? I'll play' I thought as I crept downstairs, trying to be as quiet as I could. As I got off of the bottom step, I heard what sounded like a door closing coming from the direction of what I found to be the kitchen. 'Why is the kitchen always their go-to hiding place?' I mentally questioned as I slowly walked towards it. Getting in, I could see that one of the lower cabinets was cracked open. 'Pffft, too easy' I mentally scoffed as I walked over to it. I pulled it open so hard that the actual door ripped off to reveal... 'nothing!? What the fuck?' I thought as I stared into the cabinet. But then I felt a tap on my shoulder...

(Y/N)'s POV
As I was stood behind the door, I watched the killer identified as 'Jess' walk over to the bait. It was a long shot, sure, but she fell for it. She tore the cabinet door off its hinges with one swift motion, unknowingly throwing into the front room. 'HOLY SHIT SHE'S STRONG' I thought as I watched it zoom. Her arms dropped to her sides as the insides of the cupboard revealed bowls and plates instead of myself, the door she so effortlessly removed now slamming against the living room floor. As she sighed in anger, she let her guard down and didn't notice me creep up behind her. Tapping her on the shoulder, she turned around as I said "Go to sleep" and smacked her as hard as I could with a frying pan I grabbed. With a satisfactory (and cartoony) *THUNK*, I left a face print in my frying pan and her flat on the floor. Hesitantly, I grabbed her by the hood and pulled her up so her face met mine. Surely enough, her eyes had rolled back into her head; she was out cold. With a smile on my face, I dragged her to a chair and sat her up.

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