Chapter 3 | News spreads fast

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(Y/N)'s POV
After the night's 'events', I eventually made it home. I was confident that no one had spotted me in my now bloody hoodie, so I took that as a win. After I had gotten in and made it to my room, I quickly stripped down to my underwear and flopped on my bed like a sack of potatoes. And I slept like a baby.

I woke up at around 11AM, so I was quite well rested. I stood up from my bed and stretched, satisfyingly popping my back and shoulders in the process. As I started to change into actual pyjamas for my lazy day, I got the feeling of someone watching me again. I took a quick glance out of my window, but I couldn't see anything. I shut my curtains just in case though, with a chill running up my spine as I turned away.

???'s POV
After staking his house out all night, I watched him wake up and stretch himself out. I continued to watch him whilst perched on a roof across the street, but when I saw him begin to change and I blushed ten different shades of red. Almost immediately, he snapped his gaze towards the window. I teleported back to the mansion instantaneously, since stalking someone in broad daylight was the easiest way to get caught I decided against it. "Oh hey, welcome back" I heard a voice come from behind me "You're home awfully la- why are you blushing?" she continued as I turned to face her.
"N-n-no reason!" I said, extremely embarrassed and immediately teleporting to my room. "Good grief" I said with a sigh, taking a few deep breaths to compose myself.

(Y/N)'s POV
I had just thrown on a comfortable hoodie and some pyjama pants, and then I walked downstairs with my bloody clothes from yesterday. I knew that cleaning them wouldn't be a problem since I remembered the wise words of a blind old lady. "Seltzer Water and Lemon for blood" she instructed. I still don't know how could she tell that that guy was carrying bloody clothes. 'Could she smell it?' I wondered, chuckling at the memory.

(Time skip brought to you by my silly little reference)

After my clothes were all clean and dry, I piled them neatly on my bed. However I left my hoodie and mask on my desk, since I'd have to sew them up after whatever happened last night. After I woke up, it all seemed to have blurred together. I went downstairs and got some cereal for the sake of ease, and decided to watch some TV. I was flipping through the channels, that was until I got to the news. "Warning: the following contains graphic content and is not suitable for individuals under 18" an announcer said.
'This town used to be so quiet and simple, but as of late it's been the complete opposite' I thought.
"I am here live on the scene where there seems to have been a brutal murder down and alleyway. The police say that they have identified the victim as one of the murderers who have surfaced recently. On the scene, the man was pinned to a brick wall with a knife in his shoulder and his throat cut wide open. There were no finger prints on the knife other than the ones from the victim, who it seems was the original owner" the news-lady explained.

"Witnesses say they saw nothing, but heard laughter coming from the alleyway and some had even said they walked past to see a hooded figure fighting the man. However, not many details were given about the figure as it was late and it was hard to make out any defining features. Police have advised not to leave your home past 10PM if you're alone or drunk. We are still waiting for more details on the situation, however people online have taken to calling the hooded man a 'vigilante'. And they've even gone so far as to give him titles such as: 'The Nightwalker', 'The Demon of the Dark' or even 'The Walking Nightmare'. There is much speculation on this new murderer's motive. As of recently there has been no match to his M.O, however if he only goes after murderers he may be a useful asset to the police. But until his motive is revealed, it is once again advised by the police to not leave your house alone when it's late at night or if you are drunk. Stay tuned for more info."

After the news reporter had finished talking, I dropped my bowl of cereal out of shock. 'I... did that, didn't I?' I thought, my eyes wide and my body unmoving. 'But, I've never wanted to kill anyone, I never even thought I was capable. This is bad, this is so bad' I mentally panicked. 'I am so fucked, if they find out who I am I'm gonna go to prison and I'll get touched in the shower. I don't wanna become the bitch to some absolute unit named Tyrone. I don't want that!' I thought as I began to spiral and my mind ran through all possible situations and consequences.

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