Chapter 25 | What now?

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Still (Y/N)'s POV
"Goodnight, Jess" I said to my now girlfriend.
"Goodnight, sexy~" Jess said as she cuddled up close to me.

"What. In. The. Fuck?" Nightmare asked in disbelief.
'What is it? Can't you tell I'm trying to sleep?' I groaned at his lack of consideration.
"Shut your dumbass mouth, you dumbass!" he yelled, either agitated or confused (although knowing him, it was probably both).
'Fine, fine. What are you so mad about?' I asked, wanting to get this out of the way.
"I'm sorry. Have you not been here for the last... oh I don't know, let's say half hour!?" He yelled once again, his tone definitely being that of an annoyed person if it wasn't before.
'Yes, I was here. I now know how to glitch, I got laid and a girlfriend. So what's got your panties all in a bunch?' I asked, dreading how this was beginning to drag out.
"So you know what happened..." he began. "So why in the ever loving fuck did you agree to go out with this chick!?" He asked with genuine confusion in voice.
'She said she likes me, she said she wouldn't kill anyone and the sex was good! Why wouldn't I want to go along with this?' I retorted, thinking my reasoning was flawless.
"Motherfu-" he cut himself off. "Are you seriously forgetting everything that has led up to you coming to this fucking mansion? It's because you and this bitch have been fighting and you've knocked her out three times!" He explained. "And then your presented with the ultimate ultimatum, being: live here or get hunted down. And you chose the former!" He yelled.
'What's your point?' I asked, now getting mad everything he was saying.
"Why the fuck would you want to be in a relationship with this bitch!? Do I have to fucking remind you that she's tried to kill you? That she broke into your house? She was half the reason you had that bitchy little 'emotional episode' of yours?" He questioned, as if he was interrogating me. "Is this just Stockholm Syndrome with extra steps or something?" He asked, only annoying me further.

Third Person POV
After hearing Nightmare ramble on and on about your decision, you had grown much more frustrated than you would have preferred. And so, with a very quiet "shut it" under your breath, you slid out from under the covers. Slow enough as not to wake the already fast asleep Jess, but fast enough for you to have replaced your body with a pillow and get to the door within a second of your feet touching the carpet. Looking back, you saw that Jess was lightly snoring while cuddling the blanket that you were previously underneath. 'I'll be back soon enough' you thought as you watched Jess pull the pillow in her arms closer to her chest.

Opening the door slowly and quietly, you stepped out into the dark hallway. You took a deep breath before closing the door behind you, doing your best to not make a sound. "We're going for a walk" you mumbled, only to get no response. Heading to your room, a creak of the wood rang out through the long hallway, causing you to spin around. But as you landed in a defensive position, you saw no one there at all.

But all of a sudden, you heard the sound of heels knocking on the floor behind you. Someone was walking down the hall. Whipping around once again, you saw a figure stood in the dimly lit hallway. "Wow. It's really dark in here, huh?" A slightly distorted and demonic voice spoke. "You should really turn in that night vis- oh yeah. You haven't got that yet, wHoOpsIe" it added.

You simply grunted in response and kept walking to your room. "The silent treatment? Boooooooo" he said. You stayed silent however. "Sooooo, why are we out here?" He asked, the knock of his heels following your every step.
"Hello? You still there? Or is this sleepwalking but like reeeeeeal extra?" He continued. "Oh hey! Here's your room. Neat" it added.

(Y/N)'s POV
As I walked into my room, I shut the door behind me quickly, yet quietly. "Nightmare..." I began.
"Host" he responded.
"Why?" I asked. "Just... why?" I added.
"You're gonna have to be more specific than that, chief" he responded as I locked my door.
"Why did you have to put me on blast earlier?" I questioned the now suited demon. "Like, what the fuck? I was just trying to catch some shuteye with my girlfr-"
"Lemme stop you right there" he interrupted. "Now, while we aren't exactly besties, I, a literal fucking demon, am gonna have to be the voice of reason" he explained as I found and got changed into my vigilante clothes. "It doesn't take a genius to work out that your... choice wasn't a very 'big brain' moment" he explained, jumping up and down on my bed.
"And why do you say that?" I asked, reaching for one of the cases underneath my bed.
"Well it's as I explained. YOU *CLAP* TWO *CLAP* HATED *CLAP* EACH *CLAP* OTHER" he explained in an aggressive tone.
"Well things can change" I said, pulling out a box.
"No shit they can. But it's a matter of if they will" he explained sitting next to the newly opened box. "If we're going on a walk, why do you need all of this?" He asked, now clearly distracted.

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