Chapter 7 | New day, same Vigilante

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Still (Y/N)'s POV
After a long and deep rest, I sat up in my bed and stretched. "I forget, has Christmas happened yet?" I muttered to myself, reaching over for my phone. "Not yet, looks like we got *yawn* a couple more days" I noted, swinging my legs off of my bed. I stood up and stretched once again, popping my back and, whilst still in my pyjamas, walked out of my room. I bounced down my stairs and looked out of the window in my living room, and I was shocked to see that it was dark. "...hmm" I muttered, getting closer to said window before looking up to the sky. "Wait, DID I SLEEP ALL DAY!?" I exclaimed, my reflection showing me how my arms flailed involuntarily. Looking up at a clock, I saw the time was 7:05 and I could only assume that it was in the evening. 'Holy shit' I thought. "I really did sleep all day... cool" I muttered to myself as I made my way to my kitchen. After making a quick bowl of cereal, I made my way back into the living room and immediately onto the couch. I turned on the TV and started flicking through channels. Not long after I began to scroll, I got hit with some serious deja vu when I got to the news. The camera was on a guy who had half a smile carved into his face, and a reporter was talking to him.

"Do you have anything to say on the incident, sir?" She asked him.
"All I want to say is this: Mr Vigilante, if you're watching this, thank you so much. I was so scared that I couldn't move and if you weren't there... well I don't want to think about what would've happened. You saved my life, and I wish I could thank you in person. Keep helping people, man" he said, a policeman saying something to him that the microphone didn't pick up.
"Wait, the vigilante was there?" The woman asked, taken slightly aback.
"Hell yeah he was, and he was awesome! He even said that he's, and you can quote this, 'a guy who stops crime... at pretty much all costs'!" The guy exclaimed, the policeman ushering him away and into a car.
"So where are you going now?" The woman asked before the man shut his door.
"Witness protection. The vigilante can't always protect me" he stated, shrugging a little at the end and rolling his window up. As his car drove off, the camera turned to the reporter.
"Well you heard it here, folks. The vigilante isn't some murderer like we initially thought! He's even on the side of justice, even though it seems the police aren't entirely on board. However people can at least rest easier now that there's a new protecter patrolling the streets, more on this later" she stated, and as she finished I couldn't help but smile. Being called a 'protector' felt good, it made me feel something new. A feeling of being... wanted. My smile never faded as I ate my cereal and all the while I watched TV. Since I wasn't tired, I did the dishes, cleaned up the house and decided to go on patrol again.

With a smirk I ran up my stairs and straight into my room, and I was greeted by my vigilante 'get up' that was laid out on my desk. thank you, past me' I thought as I picked them up and quickly got dressed. I had grabbed some fresh underwear from my draw but as I looked at my pants I realised, they wouldn't be very clean. Upon noticing this, I realised that my hoodie was in a similar state. Because of this. I threw them next to my door as I remembered something helpful. "I'm glad I bought spares" I muttered, rummaging through my closest and draws until I found what I was after. I ran downstairs and threw my dirty clothes in the washing machine before quickly dashing back upstairs. I went to the bathroom first so I could brush my teeth and fix up my hair a little and I did just that. Once that was over, I got ready with everything and did just like I did last time. I locked the front door and made my way out of my window. As I was on my roof I was hit with a cold breeze. 'FUCK IT'S COLD' I mentally screamed as I began to shiver a little. 'Better warm myself up' I thought, rubbing my hands together before making a sprint along my roof.

(Time skip because I'm not sure what to put in this spot)

Crossing yet another roof, I stopped to check my surroundings. I closed my eyes and listened closely, and thankfully I couldn't hear anyone in danger. I opened them to double check my surrounding and surely enough, I saw the giant apartment complex in front of me once again. The feeling of deja vu came back as I made my way towards it. I decided to go from street level to minimalise the risk of going splat this time around, but when I got to where the fire escape was, there was a problem. The ladder wasn't pulled down... 'shit'.

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