Chapter 69 | A Mother's love

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Still (Y/N)'s POV
"Look after Lazari for me" Zalga requested, closing her eyes as she spoke. I felt my heart sink at her emotional statement, and I wavered at the mere suggestion. It had completely slipped my mind that Zalga was an actual mother, and I didn't anticipate that she even cared for her children. "She doesn't agree with me like Stripes does, but she's still my dear daughter" she continued, seemingly baring her true emotions. "She most likely doesn't view me as her mother, but would you please tell her that I'm-"
"You can tell her yourself" I interrupted, taking my hands off of her shoulder and turning back to Nightmare. "I said I'd get you out of here" I began, grabbing a fistful of my hair and watching my hand imprint on Nightmare's. "I've just gotta make sure you last long enough until I figure out how" I stated, grunting as I pulled my hair.

Zalga watched on in confusion, at both my words and my actions. But it soon became evident that I was slowly but surely dragging Nightmare towards me, with every hair pull bringing him and inch or two closer. "What're you doing!?" Zalga questioned. "What if he wakes up!?" She asked, the concern in her voice clear as day.
"I'm counting on it" I said flatly. "He'll wake up, but he'll be too weak to do anything" I explained with a grunt. As Nightmare was finally dragged up to the bars, I sighed in relief upon letting go of my hair. I crouched down and grabbed his hair through the bars, and held him up so we were eye level. I noticed that I didn't feel anything upon grabbing him, and I smiled at the one to one combat familiarity that I suddenly felt. "And besides..." I muttered, gripping Nightmare's hair a little harder. My mind quickly flashed back, and as I remembered what Nightmare told me I silently prayed that I understood his 'instructions' correctly.
'You can probably get powers if you do the whole 'I won't kill you' thing' I remembered him say, hoping to God that the plan that began to form in my head would work.

I flicked Nightmare on his forehead wound, and he winced in pain before his eyes weakly fluttered open. To say I felt afraid as he awoke would've been an understatement, but seeing the previously stoic and almighty Zalga getting emotional about her daughter had helped me make up my mind. She may have been my enemy before, but now I wasn't so sure. And that was a good enough reason for me to try and protect her. "After all he's put me through..." I continued, picking up from where I started speaking a moment ago. "He owes me" I stated, standing up and dragging Nightmare to his feet. I looked over at Zalga, who had a combined look of worry and confusion on her face, and I smiled smugly as I felt some unnatural strength return as I held my opponent.

"Isn't that right?" I asked, turning back to Nightmare. He weakly and shakily reached for the arm that held him, but before he could reach higher than his shoulders I made my move. I jerked my arm back and slammed his face into the cage's already dented bar, stunning him for a moment. As his head recoiled, I let go of his hair and changed my grip onto the hanging rope of his noose. I yanked it towards me and as Nightmare once again got close, I punched him square in the nose. He bounced back, but I reeled him in a few more times for some more face punches. I could tell his body was going limp, so I let him go and he dropped to the ground pretty quickly.

'And now that I'm the winner, theoretically I should get some power out of this' I thought, looking down at my hands. I clenched my fists and took a deep breath, smiling at the realisation that my earlier burst of strength remained consistent. I made an attempt to set my hands ablaze, but I was unfortunately met with mere embers jumping from my fingertips. I sighed in disappointment, but I was thankful that I was able to at least use my demon voice again. Despite my lack of flames, I could still feel the familiar feeling of magic coursing through my body. I thought for a second, and an idea came to my head. "I can't exactly 'cast spells' right now, but is there a way I can give you some magic?" I asked, turning around and facing the unwell looking Zalga. She jumped slightly at my sudden booming voice, but she soon spoke up.

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