Chapter 70 | Medical emergency

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Lazari's POV
The female half of my gym class was in the assembly hall, and we were given some circuit training to do for the duration of the lesson. We had started roughly half an hour ago but, despite the physical challenge I was putting my body through, the effort I put in paled in comparison to the mental workout I was having. 'Do you think, as of right now, he poses a threat to us?' I asked, now moving onto my next exercise.
"It's hard to say. But given his personality, you can likely get in his good books if you two were to get closer" Lazarus theorised as I began my plank.
'C-closer!?' I mentally exclaimed, my face heating up at the mere mention.
"He's evidently the loner type, so befriending him would likely result in your safety" she elaborated.
'R-right, that's what you meant...' I muttered embarrassedly.
"Feel free to make an attempt at seducing him" she stated smugly, evidently understanding what I was thinking. "Just don't expect getting that close to ease your hunger" she added, making my heart sink at the mention.

While it was true that I had already made a few friends on my first day, (Y/N) was the only one who stood out to me. Something about the way he cautiously carried himself, despite the powerful presence he exuded, made him all the more interesting. He was admittedly a little rocky today, but it was pretty easy to tell that today was an off day for him given the situation. Not to mention his knowledge about my mother, and the fact that it didn't seem to shake him in the slightest. After another minute of pondering our encounters, I heard a violent *CRASH* come from outside the hall. It seemed to catch everyone's attention, and we all quietly drifted towards the door to check it out. Every girl in the room, including our gym coach, all piled together. This made the door hard to look through, and I ended up almost laying on top of some of my classmates to get a glance. Getting a peek through the glass, I was able to make out what happened. There was a trash can that had been knocked over, it's contents now littered across the hall. Tracing these back, I saw someone weakly propped up on one knee and clutching their arm in pain. After some murmurs around the room, I squinted hard and barely managed to make out who it was.

"(Y/N)!" I exclaimed, pushing past a few of the girls and opening the door. As I got a clearer view of him, it was obvious that he was injured and weak. My stomach growled upon noticing, but I quickly shook the thought from my mind before getting closer. "The hell happened!?" I asked, helping him to his feet. He was silent for a moment, and as I got a look at him I could tell that his 'condition' had worsened. The tendrils, that now reached the middle of his neck, were a darker shade of black and they seemed thicker than before.
"I had a..." (Y/N) grunted, the stench of flesh blood filling the air. "A meeting" he added, chuckling to himself despite the pained look on his face.
"I'll help you to the nurse, c'mon" I said firmly, attempting to pull him down the hall. He stood firm however, and as I looked at him he stared back intensely.
"Don'tcha think the nurse'll freak out when she sees you know what?" He asked, his head bandages slowly turning redder.
"It's fine, she's a 'worker' of mom's" I explained, pulling him a little harder and making him stumble towards me.

(Y/N)'s POV
'A worker of Zalga?' I wondered, tripping into Lazari's arms. 'Considering her normal speech and non-Shambler appearance...' I thought, standing back up with Lazari's help. "Does that make her a Creepypasta?" I whispered, with Lazari once again putting my arm over her shoulder. She gave a nod as she put a hand around my waist, and after a sigh of defeat we began to hobble to the nurse's office. There was some talking that came from Lazari's class, but I was too woozy from the blood loss to hear any of it.

"Nurse's office!" Lazari called over her shoulder, resulting in an unheard call back. I heard Lazari click her tongue in what seemed to be annoyance, but before I could ask anything she had let go of my arm and pulled out her phone. She kept her arm around my waist to support me, but she held her phone to her ear with the other. I could hear the faint trilling of a ringing call from Lazari's phone, and it was picked up after two or three rings. "You busy?" Lazari asked. I could hear someone on the other line, but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't make out what they were saying. "Good, because I'm on my way up" she stated, once again getting a response that I couldn't hear. "On a scale from one to ten? Zalga" she added, making me laugh a little at her scaling. This didn't make me feel much better however, since I interrupted myself mid-laugh by coughing up some more blood into my hand.

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