Chapter 59 | Rhythms of the heart

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Still (Y/N)'s POV
"I'm gonna need a towel!" Slenda exclaimed as she darted off to her bathroom, using her tentacles to grab some unseen things before she went inside.
"While I'm glad her expectations are high, I really hope that I lived up to them" I mumbled to myself as I heard Slenda rummaging around in her bathroom. After a few moments more, Slenda came out in a change of clothes. Instead of her standard black suit and white dress shirt, she was now in nothing but a light gray bathrobe. A blush enveloped my face after seeing the obscene amount of cleavage on display, but it only got worse once Slenda bent down in front of me (to set some towels over her chair) and I caught a glimpse of her... 'lack of underwear'. I covered my face as I felt my nose trickle with blood, and quickly wiped it on my sleeve as Slenda sat herself down to face me once more.

"Enjoying the view?~" she asked smugly, gently tugging at the part that covered her breasts.
"Y-yeah, you c-could say that..." I stuttered nervously, some of the blood leaving my face and rushing 'downstairs'. I quickly crossed my legs to avoid giving Slenda a full frontal, and she let out a small chuckle after probably noticing what happened.
"Good, that means I'm doing something right" she said proudly, chuckling to herself a little. "Anyway, shall we resume?" She asked, leaning forward once more. I could only nod in response, as my eyes were suddenly glued to her 'assets' now that they dangled before me. She giggled cutely as she watch me shakily reach for her head once more, and as I did we both closed our eyes.

"Still with me?" I asked mentally.
"Forever and always~" Slenda said romantically, making my heart jump slightly.
"Then you're gonna enjoy this~" I responded smugly, using it as an attempt to mask my embarrassment and nervousness. I began transmitting the third and final batch of memories to Slenda, but doing my best to adhere to her previous instructions. 'Carefully. One at a time' I mentally chanted, slowly but surely sending all of my conscious memories of us from Christmas until... 'Maybe I should leave out the death part' I decided, abruptly cutting the batch off as Ann bursted into the kitchen. I felt Slenda fidget for a moment, before slowly opening my eyes as I heard something gently splash on the ground. My eyes met Slenda's as she panted heavily, and that was when my eyes drifted down to where I heard the splashing sound. It was the floor, or at least that where a puddle of her 'juices' had accumulated. My eyes widened at the realisation, and I jumped back a bit in my chair in surprise. After Slenda and I separated, I watched her gently slump back in her chair with a wide smile across her face. She was still panting, and even red in the face, but that did nothing to dissuade her from looking at me with a mixture of smugness and lust.

'Well I'm glad that she enjoyed that' I thought, watching Slenda inelegantly stand up from her chair. "You okay there?" I asked, trying not to laugh at her evident wobbling as she pulled the soaking towels off of her seat.
"Y-yep..." she said, giving a thumbs up over her shoulder. "Just... I think I need a minute" she continued, letting a tentacle take the towels from her before they were tossed into the laundry basket.
"Satisfied now?" I asked smugly. "Or did you still want that follow up?" I added, slowly standing up to see how my legs were doing. I leant against Slenda's desk after I stood up, and after she turned around again she bit her lip after looking at the me she had grown rather fond of.
"Part of me wants another round~" she began, taking a few wobbly steps forward. "But I think I'd need some physical therapy if we did that" she added with a small giggle.
"Maybe so" I agreed, laughing a little myself as I walked over to Slenda. "Need a hand?" I asked, picking Slenda up in a bridal carry before carrying her to bed.

"My hero~" Slenda said happily, kissing my forehead before getting under her covers.
"Anytime" I responded with a bow. "Now, you get yourself some rest so I can head home already" I added with a chuckle.
"Do you have to go?" She asked cutely, looking up at me and giving me puppy dog eyes. "You can always sleep with me..." she added quietly.
"Awwwh, I'd love to, Slenda" I said simply. "But unfortunately I have a math test tomorrow morning, and these clothes aren't gonna fix themselves" I added, gesturing to my blood soaked and ripped clothing. Without skipping a beat, Slenda held her hand to my sleeve and enveloped me in a small light for just a short moment. After the light cleared, I blinked a few times and looked down. "Woah!" I exclaimed. "Nice fix, Slenda!" I complemented, now doing some stretches to test the durability of the fixed areas.
"Oh please, it's nothing" Slenda responded bashfully. "I owe you this much anyway, since most of it was from Jill and I" she added, hiding her face beneath the covers embarrassedly.
"Well, I appreciate it regardless" I reassured her, leaning down and kissing her on the forehead before I walked over to her window. "The city that way?" I asked, pointing out of the window.

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