Chapter 2 | Demons of the night

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Still (Y/N)'s POV
"Don't keep fucking with people, you'll end up dead next time" I said to the downed (B/N), his wails of pain barely masked by the still blaring car alarm. As I turned back to Sally she flinched in fear of me attacking her, a fear that was likely amplified by the knife held in my hand. I simply chuckled a little and put the already closed blade into my back pocket as we left the alley. She looked confused to say the least.

"Who... are you?" She asked, trembling slightly. I simply took my hood down so she could see my hair and the part of my face that wasn't covered by my mask. This didn't seem to help her so I then rolled up my sleeves to show my bandages, and then something immediately clicked in her mind and she gasped before attempting to speak up. But I simply put a finger to my lips so she wouldn't anything that could be overheard. I pulled her into a quick hug which made her jump at first, but after a few seconds seemed to calm her down. I offered to escort her home, but she informed me that it wasn't too far and that I didn't need to worry. I trusted that she knew what she was doing if she was that confident in going alone after what just happened.

Then I headed back for the store.

During the walk to the store, I had my hood back up and sleeves rolled down. I had put my new bowie knife in it's sheathe that I took off of the guy and I then put it in my hoodie's pocket and kept my hand on it for both security and some peace of mind, all while my new balisong was in my back pocket. I was glad that it closed itself when (B/N) dropped it, it saved me the hassle of accidentally slicing my fingers like I did when I first got my own one. After I got to the store, I pulled my mask and hood down as to not look like a criminal. Once I got everything I needed, I paid the $20.30 and simply started to head back home. After going out the of the store, I quickly put my mask and hood back up and my bowie knife in the plastic bag. I had to put in the middle of my groceries, just so that no one could see it from the outside and get suspicious. If me wearing a skull-print mask and all black today wasn't sketchy enough, if anyone found out I had not one knife, not two, but three knives then I'd have the cops on me for sure. I was just surprised I could keep it out of sight the entire time I was in the store, but it's not like that was something I was going to complain about.

But with my mind still occupied with me winning the fight from earlier, I couldn't help but be somewhat annoyed at my advantage. I'd had multiple types of martial arts training since I was about four years old, my Mom would always take me and I was a 'surprisingly fast learner' according to the coaches. But with all the reminiscing, I wound taking the long way home as I got lost in the memories of my family. 'I sure as hell miss them' I thought, feeling a lump come up in my throat. Even if not all of them were pleasant, that knowledge didn't make me feel any better knowing that I'll never have them back.

But as I continued to get lost in thought, I wasn't able to notice the random guy dressed in all black and a ski mask. The guy who then pulled me into an alley and pushed me against the wall, with a blade pressed to my throat. Dropping my grocery bags, I sighed before an unknown, yet familiar feeling washed over me. I then began to chuckle, almost involuntarily. 'This night's gonna have one hell of a finale' I thought as I stared straight into his eyes that were now full of confusion. But pretty soon my laughter died down eventually and was replaced with nothing but a smile under my mask, with my cheekbones making my expression clear as day to the man before me. In turn, a look of concern quickly spread across his face and evidently made his confidence waver. 'Not that I know what's going on, but I can't tell that this will not be ending well for this guy...'. I thought, casually rolling my neck despite being the hostage in this situation.

???'s POV
Not long after she returned home, I began to search around in hopes of finding the boy Sally told me about. Deep down, I knew I should've stayed back at home to comfort her considering what almost happened. But I knew that the others could handle that for me. As bad as it sounds, and from the way Sally described it, this wasn't something I could simply ignore.

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