Chapter 58 | Diplomacy

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Still (Y/N)'s POV
"Are you... crying?" Slenda asked softly.
"I... am?" I asked shakily, touching my cheekbones and feeling cold tears soak into my bandages and mask. "Oh, I am. Sorry" I said solemnly, not realising my voice had reverted back to normal.
"No no, don't be" she said kindly, standing up from her chair. "What's the matter?" She asked, walking around the desk and leaning on it beside me. I didn't respond for a second, but once I had felt like I had collected myself, I spoke up again.
"Ever heard of cursed knowledge?" I asked, looking down at my hands and already feeling tears well up again.
"I believe so. Some people learn things they shouldn't, and in turn they go mad or die or something along those lines. That's generally how those stories go, right?" She asked, to which I simply nodded. "Are you implying you have such knowledge?" She asked, her voice now full of concern.
"I was cursed a long time ago. But now... there's something worse circling in my mind. And I don't know how much longer I'll be able to take it..." I explained, holding back my tears as I clenched my fists in both rage and despair - the memories of loss flashing across my eyes once again.
"You're cursed? What do you mean?" She asked worriedly.

I took yet another deep breath to compose myself before looking up at her, and it calmed my heart to see her looking at me with worry and care - I couldn't help but smile, albeit shakily. "I'm... going to ask you a few questions. Just to see where I need to start. Is that okay with you?" I asked politely.
"Of course" Slenda responded kindly, taking a seat on the chair that was beside mine and turning it to face me.
"Okay..." I began, making sure to clear my throat before I continued. "For one, do you know about the... 'portal problem' that Zalga's been having?" I asked.
"Not a clue, care to enlighten me?" Slenda responded, probably more eagerly than intended.
"Well that depends on your next answer" I said, letting out a small laugh. "Do you know what happened to Jane tonight?" I asked, trying to keep myself closed off from the guilt of sharing the memories that I shared.
"From what I gathered, she met up with her potential boyfriend and then came home 'tired'. She offered to let me read her mind, but I declined out of respect for her privacy" she admitted.

"I see..." I said, debating my next move carefully. "Well then, that leaves me with two options" I stated simply.
"Oh? And those are?" Slenda asked expectantly.
"Option one: I tell you the details from my own mouth and leave it up to you whether you think I'm telling the truth or not" I began.
"Well that sounds okay, although if you think things sound like a lie then I am rather concerned" she responded.
"Option two:" I continued, holding two fingers up as I spoke. "I let you break down my mental wall so you can go through my memories. It's a temporary thing though, only lasts for a few hours if I'm not mistaken" I explained.
"Oh? And how do you suggest I break down that wall?" She asked curiously.
"You... you don't know?" I asked, my eyes widening slightly.
"Should I?" She asked, her tone holding both curiosity and mild offence.
"W-well..." I mumbled, worried I was now in danger. "It was my understanding that you were able to do such a thing" I admitted, a hint of shame and embarrassment in my own voice.
"Really? And who told you that?" She asked, somewhat smugly.
"Well. You did" I said flatly.

"Pfffft, yeah right" Slenda chuckled, seemingly thinking I was just joking. "Oh, you're serious?" She said confusedly upon seeing my reaction. "But we've only met today. Even if you read my mind, I don't know how to do that" she continued, racking her brain for an explanation of what I said.
"It must be something you learn in the coming week then" I stated flatly.
"Oh! Is another one of your powers seeing into the future!?" She asked excitedly. "That would certainly explain the curs-"
"No, that one's not in my repertoire" I admitted. "At least not to my knowledge" I added, chuckling a little to myself. "Well, I have another solution if you'd prefer option two. But it's rather... messy" I explained.
"Messy how?" Slenda asked, both concerned and yet still intrigued.
"Well, instead of you reading my memories, I sort of... transmit them to you" I explained roughly.
"And that's messy?" She wondered.
"Well this'll be the second time I've done it. I sent the other person into a frenzied panic the first time I tried it so..." I admitted sheepishly.

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