Chapter 35 | On the First Day of Christmas...

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Third Person POV
"Liu... needs... hel... p" you said, falling forward as your sentence finished.
"(Y/N)!?" Jill and Jess exclaimed, diving to catch you and leaving Liu to hit the floor.
"Slenda! Ann!" Jess yelled out, her voice ringing through the whole house louder than all of the Christmas music still playing. "We've got (Y/N) and my sister!" She added as Jill got up to shut the front door and put a door stop underneath it, at least as a temporary substitute for the now very broken door latch.
"You've got a whaaaa?" Slenda said, stumbling and slurring with a glass of eggnog in hand. "Omi gosh iss my huzband~" she added, clearly infatuated with your unconscious face.
"What's going on, Jess? All I heard was a yell and then Slenda teleported ou-" Ann stopped herself when she got to the bottom of the stairs, witnessing the scene for herself. "Bring them to the office please" Ann said simply, turning and stumbling into the banister twice as she went up the stairs. "Whoopsie" Ann said every time she bumped into something.
"Ahhh, for fuck's sake..." Jess groaned, picking you up and putting your arm over her shoulder as Slenda teleported away. "Hey, Jill, can you help me with Liu- god dammit" she grunted, seeing that Jill was now passed out and snoring as she was now sprawled out on the floor.

"Is anyone sober? Or stable enough to help me save my fucking BOYFRIEND?" Jess asked the entire house channel, only to get no response. "If you bitches couldn't tell, he's at the front door and DYING! I need to get him to Ann and Jill passed out on me!" She added, hoping to garner more attention. What she didn't expect however, was a whole house of drunk supernatural housemates to come drunkenly stumble down the hallway.
"Omi gosh he's bAAaack!~"Jane said happily, holding her glass of red wine up in a cheers-like fashion.
"He's sleepy and dreamyyy" Angel said, stumbling and spilling the beer she was holding.
"Fuck this, where's Sally?" Jess asked angrily.
"I'm here, I'm here, what's u- is that (Y/N)!?" Sally exclaimed, running down the stairs.
"Yeah, quick, we've gotta get him to Ann. You take handsome and I'll take the one from my mom's birth hole" Jess said, ever so elegantly as she passed you over to Sally before picking up her sister and tossing her over her shoulder and trucking up the stairs alongside Sally.

As they made their way to the second floor, Sally lost her hold on you and you both fell. "Ow!" Sally exclaimed. "Scraped my goddamn knee!" She grunted.
"Ughhhhh, you're telling me..." you groaned. "Feels like I scraped my fac-" you stopped talking when you looked at Sally, who was in a crop top and her underwear. "Huh? Um? What? I'm not looking!" You exclaimed, covering your eyes and getting up as she covered her lower half in a panic. "I'm sorry, Sally!" You exclaimed. "I swear I didn't lo-" you cut yourself off because of a sharp pain driving through your side. "Fuck!" You roared, clutching the pain as you dropped to the your knees. Looking up, you saw Jess and Sally staring at you.
"You okay there, sexy?" Jess asked.
"I'm... fine, but Liu isn't. Where's Slenda? How long was I out? And what's the date today? When the hell am I right now!?" You asked, everything aligning in your mind but leaving everyone else to be confused.
"Everyone's drunk, (Y/N)" Sally explained, a disappointed tone in her voice. "Slenda and Ann have been sharing eggnog in Ann's office. Everyone else was drinking beer or wine downstairs, it's Christmas" she continued, clearly very annoyed.
"Sally, can you do me a favour?" You ask, locking eyes with Sally once more.
"Of course, (Y/N), what is it?" Sally asked innocently, tucking some hair behind her ear.

(Y/N)'s POV
"I'm gonna need you to make the biggest and strongest possible pot of coffee and bring it to Ann's office" I said. "Just trust me, time isn't a luxury we can afford right now" I added, gesturing towards Liu who was looking increasingly worse.
"Got it, you can count on me" Sally said, running back down the hall and down the stairs immediately.
"So, gonna explain this one? And how you've been gone for, I don't know, almost a whole year!?" Jess questioned, pretty much trying to interrogate me.
"Look, I'll explain after we make sure Liu is alright. If we can get her stable, I'll even make us both dinner and we can have an at home date" I said, trying to be as persuasive as possible as I walked over to Jess and took Liu from her. "But for now, your big sister is in a massive bind and I don't know how long she's got left" I explained as we walked over to Ann's room. "Please, don't let your last real family member go out like this..." I gave Jess an attempt at puppy dog eyes to try and persuade her, and luckily it worked.
"Fine, but you owe me that dinner date" she said grumpily as she opened the door, but I knew she wanted to smile at it.
"Sounds like a win to me" I said, smiling under my mask.

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