Chapter 55 | Cat and Mouse

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Still (Y/N)'s POV
"I can promise you, Jane and I aren't dating" I said with a light chuckle, leaving Jill with a puzzled look on her face.
"Well I know that. I'm talking about Jane and this (Y/N) guy, keep up" Jill responded, face palming as if I was the idiot here. "No offence, but you weren't even part of this conversation, I was just kind of rambling at you" she added. "Well, thanks for taking the time to listen anyway. You know what? I think I'll let you go, as a token of my gratitude" she added sweetly.
"Wait, really?" I asked, confused but hopeful.
"Ha! Nope! You still gotta die, my dude" she stated, chuckling to herself as she spoke. "Jeez, you're gullible!" She added, doing her best to stifle her laughter.
"Well this is upsetting" I said, frowning slightly under my mask.
"You're telling me, I thought you were pretty cool too" she said, her fingers now extending into large claws. "See ya later!" She exclaimed, ready to kill.

As Jill reared her arm back, I quickly used my Shadow Stretch to make my torso bigger in an attempt to cushion the blow and burst out of my restraints. As the cold shadow enveloped my chest, I felt the ropes stretch out and as Jill's claws slashed down I knew that she had cut through the ropes for me. I was happy for a moment, but this feeling was short lived as the feeling of getting clawed hit me at full force. I wanted to crouch down to sit and recover, but I knew that in the given circumstance that wouldn't be possible. 'Welp, looks like the shadows aren't exactly armour...' I realised, clutching my now bleeding chest. 'Or even a physical layer now that I think about it' I noted as I ducked under a horizontal slash from Jill.
"Stop moving!" She huffed, folding her arms and frowning. "I got the first hit, I've basically won, dude" she added.
"Is that so?" I asked, grimacing slightly at the pain as I slowly stood back up.
"Well yeah. Have you seen how much you're bleeding?" She asked, gesturing towards the three diagonal slash wounds across my chest.
"Okay, yeah this looks kinda bad" I admitted, taking a deep breath after I spoke. "But, can I show you something cool?" I asked, feeling the deeper wounded flesh slowly mend itself.
"Sure. I've got time to kill" Jill agreed, giving a shrug as she spoke before leaning against the tree behind her and turning her claws back into fingers. "I've also got you to kill, but I'll give you a lil sum-sum before at least" she rambled.

With a smile on my face, I held up my dominant hand and snapped my fingers and promptly lit the top of my pointer finger on fire. "Woah!" Jill exclaimed. "Can you make more? I'm super cold in this getup, I'm not gonna lie" she eagerly requested, gesturing to the lower part of her frilly dress where the only thing that covered her legs were some black and white striped, thigh-high socks. I let out a light chuckle at her request before I lit my non-dominant hand alight and held it in her direction with my palm facing up. As she looked on in awe, and got closer to warm herself up, using my lit finger I quickly (and inaccurately) cauterised the majority of my wounds now that her focus had shifted. After I was done however, Jill spoke up again. "Got any other tricks?" She asked, clearly impressed and desiring more.
"Yeah, I got a few" I confirmed, admittedly enjoying the attention I was receiving. "Think it's okay if I make a 'firework'?" I asked, wanting to still impress Jill but also not anger Slenda.
"Shiiiiit I don't see why not. If the boss finds out I'll just kill ya" Jill said nonchalantly, giving a shrug once again.
'Well I guess that's as good of a confirmation as any' I thought, before giving a shrug of my own. "Meh, fair enough. Gotta do what you gotta do and all that" I said, doing my best to sound unfazed by Jill's passing threat.

I took a second to gather a fist-sized fireball in my hand, before launching it straight above Jill and I. She watched the fireball intensely as it soared above, and I watched her expression go from curious to awe-struck as I clenched my fist. The fireball imploded and, with somewhat of a bang, let out a wide shower of sparks that slowly dissipated in the winter air. Her reaction made me smile, and seeing her clap and hop around with child-like excitement had me admittedly staring in adoration. She took a notice of this pretty quickly however, and an all too familiar smug smile made its way across her face. "Like what you see?~" Jill asked, taking a step forward and leaning towards me. "You can take a picture if you like. It'll last longer~" she added, shifting closer once again and touching our noses together. I froze on the spot, stuttering and bumbling over random words in an attempt to find some sort of coherent response. Jill giggled at my stunned state, and cupped my right cheek before speaking again. "You were right, that was pretty cool" she admitted, her hand drifting down and gently holding the right side of my neck.
"Th-thanks" I stammered, swallowing the non-literal ball of nervousness in my throat.
"*giggle* You know, it's not everyday that a guy like you wanders into my neck of the woods..." she began, her hand drifting down to my now (mostly) healed slash wounds.
"R-really?" I asked, my brain not letting me respond properly due to my rapid heartbeat and unsettled nerves.
"Yeah..." she admitted, tracing circles on my chest with her pointer finger. "It really is a shame..." she added, now placing her whole right hand on my chest and her left hand on my shoulder.

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