Chapter 32 | Plot Hooks gone wild

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(Y/N)'s POV
"How the fuck is that a small fact!?" Everyone yelled in unison.
"I know right? And here I thought being 6 foot was considered tall" I added, hoping to try and relieve some of the tension. "But either way... Hi, honey, I'm home" I said, putting my hands in my pockets. "Or would it be better to say 'Honeys'?" I added, doing my best to be somewhat comedic.
"(Y/N)?" Slenda asked, her eyes wide and her mouth agape.
"You..." Sally said in disbelief.
"Fuckin'..." Benny said, clearly unable to articulate her emotions.
"Asshole!" Jess and Jackie both yelled as they got up from their seats, seconds before Jess darted towards me and punched me across the jaw. A blow that launched me out of the kitchen door and into the hallway.

"Fuck!" Was the only thing that was able to leave my mouth as I collided with the wall. "Hello to you too, babe" I said, holding my jaw as she dove at me and cuddled into my chest, gripping my waistcoat as she cried.
"I can't believe you just fucking vanished like that!" She sobbed. "Why!? Why would you do that to all of us!? And me!?" She wailed, lightly pounding my chest with the flat side of her fist with the little strength she could seemingly muster.
"Trust me, it was in no way my intention" I said, holding her closer.
"Now that I think about it, we probably fucking time travelled!" Nightmare exclaimed, finally putting his brain to use.

I didn't bother responding, since letting Jess cry her tears out became my immediate priority. "I guess you're all wondering where I've been, huh?" I asked the room, everyone except for the clowns and Sally just stared at me with their arms crossed. "I'll take the judgmental stares as a yes then?" I asked, only to see one of Slenda's tentacles dart for my head. Moving my head to the side and letting it slam through a wall, I realised something. "Well I'm glad to see it's all healed up now" I said, rising to my feet with Jess in tow.
"Talk." Slenda said sternly. "Now." She demanded, pulling her tentacle back as everyone sat back down.
"That for me?" I asked, looking at the seat that was at the head of the table, opposite of Slenda.
"I told you when we first met, you were to be the man of the house. A chair at the head is only fitting, no?" She asked in response.
"Actually, you phrased it as 'husband-slash-boyfriend' if memory serves" I said smugly.
"I'm surprised you remembered that, (Y/N), considering how you abandoned all of us for three years, two months, one day and..." Slenda stopped to look at the watch she was now wearing. "Seven hours and dead on thirteen minutes" she added, with a hint of venom in her voice. She interlocked her fingers and leant on her hands as she looked at me, her gaze piercing my head like daggers from all the way across the table. "So, care to explain yourself?" She asked, leaving the spotlight to me.

"Well, simply put. I went for a walk" I said plainly, me and Jess now stood up and going to our chairs.
"And you were just walking for the last three years?" Angel asked, crossing her arms and glaring at me.
"Maybe he was just really enjoying it so he wanted to stay out for as long as he could?" Sally said, sounding unsure but doing her best to defend me.
"Well she's not wrong, it was a veeeeeery enthusiastic walk" I added, crossing my left leg over my right knee as I leaned back in the chair.
"Get to the fucking point!" Benny yelled, as impatient as ever.

"Well then, where to start?" I wondered allowed, putting a hand to my chin as I thought for a second. "Well, if you weren't aware, me and Jess became a couple on the night I went missing" I began, a look of happiness with a hint of embarrassment washing over Jess' face.
"We all knew that much" Clockwork said unenthusiastically.
"Indeed, it seemed that she was enjoying herself that much that she was moaning through the house channel. It gave us all a chance for some... insight" Ann explained, making me go red faced.
"The thought that all of you hearing that... makes my head want to explode..." I said, my smug attitude being stripped away and replaced with a shy schoolboy once again.
"Which head?" Masky and Hoodie asked in unison.
"That is a kink for some" Jane commented.
"I'd be so embarrassed if that were me" Jackie added.

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