Chapter 11 | First day

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Still (Y/N)'s POV
I heard a mass of footsteps walk downstairs at once and come towards the kitchen. Eventually, everyone turned the corner and into view in their pyjamas before saying good morning to me and Slenda. At least everyone other than Jess, who just glared at me. "Good morning, all" I replied to the group as I leaned back against the counter. "Especially you, sunshine" I said as I looked towards Jess who only flipped me off in response, earning a giggle from a few others in the room.

"Well then everyone, breakfast is ready so help yourself to whatever you like!" Slenda said, showing off the food. Everyone quickly grabbed some plates and loaded them up with whatever food they thought looked or smelt good.
"Wow this is amazing! You really outdid yourself today, Slenda!" Masky exclaimed after she moved her mask and took a massive bite out of a pancake.
"I agree, this is amazing" Hoodie added, covering her mouth politely as she spoke
"Well as much as I'd like to, I can't take credit. This was from the kindness of our newest resident" Slenda explained, motioning towards me. I gave a shy wave as a response, not expecting all the attention to be focused on me so suddenly. The room fell silent for a few seconds before someone spoke up.
"Really?" Clockwork asked. "He really cooked all of this?" She questioned.
"I did, why do you seem so surprised?" I asked her.
"You don't seem like the type to know how to cook, I mean, you've got bandages for a shirt" she explained with a shrug. "Can't really call that the look of a master chef" she added.
"Yeah, I guess looks can be deceiving. But at the same time you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover" I stated, putting my hands in my pockets and leaning back on the counter.
"I guess that's fair" she replied flatly as she ate some bacon, her eye (and clock) seemingly lighting up as she did. "But damn it's pretty good!" She said with a smile as she began to wolf down some more food.
"I'm glad you enjoy it" I said, a genuine smile under my mask.
"I'b haf to be crazy not to!" She replied, still chewing a mouthful of food.
"Well in all fairne- actually, never mind" I said, deciding not to insult a killer first thing in the morning.
"Smart move" Slenda said, noticing what happened and causing me to chuckle nervously.

As everyone was talking and eating, throughout the entire time I never heard Jackie speak nor did I see her get any food. That was until I noticed that the kidney and it's plate were gone, along with Jackie herself. Out of curiosity, I tapped Slenda to get her attention. "What's up?" She asked, turning towards me and taking a sip from her cup of coffee.
"Do you know where Jackie went?" I asked her.
"I believe she went to her room to eat. She'd normally eat with the rest of us, but she may be scared that you may judge her... diet" she explained.
"You mean the fact that she eats organs?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Yep... Wait, how did you know?" She asked, her voice filling with confusion at the realisation.
"I'll explain later, or you could just go through my brain" I said with a shrug.
"Yeah, um, about that..." Slenda began.
"Before you say anything, I'm gonna go check on Jackie, I don't want my staying here to bother her" I said turning around and walking off. I swiped a slice of toast off of Benny's plate as I left and ate it quite quickly as I walked up the stairs, after I knew no one could see me. Once I got to the top, I turned into the vast corridor and saw a few specks of fresh blood leading towards Jackie's door. 'Looks like she went to her room' I thought, silently creeping closer. I was outside her room and put my ear against the door, making an attempt to judge if it would be a bad time to intrude. Listening closely, I could hear a squelch and some chewing noises from the other side.

With a smile, I opened the door and loudly said "Yo! Whaddup, Jack-ay?" as I walked in. She was sat on her bed and let out a yelp and fumbled with the kidney that she was eating. As she began to reach for her mask, I was already next to her and out of instinct I grabbed her arm. "Why do you need the mask?" I asked, loosening my grip but still not letting her go.
"I-I'm ugly, you'd think I look like a m-monster" she stammered nervously, hiding behind her hand even though she was turned away from me.
"I guarantee that I won't" I assured.
"Wh-what makes you so sure?" she asked, her face still hidden.
"I'm known as the 'freak' of my school, and yes I'm aware how wonderfully sweet that nickname is. But still, I'm 90% sure that I'm the ugly-monster here" I said, trying to mask the sadness in my voice. "So don't worry about shying away, I'm not gonna judge" I assured. I used my free hand to gently turn her head towards me, causing her to squeal a little. "Please can I see?" I asked kindly, now letting go of her arm. I could tell she tensed up at my asking, but she slowly and reluctantly lowered her hand to show me herself.

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