Chapter 65 | School days

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Still (Y/N)'s POV
"There you are" a voice said from behind me. Looking over my shoulder, I saw that it was Lazari who spoke. "Mind if I take a seat?" She asked, gesturing to the free seat in front of me.
"Go for it" I said welcomingly, giving a nod of agreement as I took a sip from my water.
"Thank you very much, kind sir" she said with a giggle as she took her seat in front of me. "So, about my note..." she began, a light blush coming across her face.
"Oh yeah, you wanted to talk" I remembered aloud. "Like I said, I've been told that I've got a concussion" I explained, pointing to my bandaged forehead. "I don't know how long it'll take for me to recover, but the nurse gave me some pills to help me ou-"
"That's..." Lazari interrupted, holding her hand up to signal me to stop. "That's not what I want to talk about" she explained.

"Oh, okay..." I said simply, a little embarrassed. "Then what did you want to talk about?" I asked, putting the water bottle back onto my bag.
"Well, I'm just gonna lay it out there, you look terrible" she said simply. "And I don't mean you look like a normal type of sick, you look..." she explained, trailing off at the end. "Look, did something... happen? Like since yesterday?" She asked.
"I mean, yeah. I was at my Aunt's house and-"
"Don't lie" she interrupted sternly, rummaging through her bag as she spoke. "Look at yourself for a second" she added, pulling out a small makeup mirror and handing it to me.

As I looked at myself, my stomach dropped and my eyes widened. I looked a little paler than normal, but had already noticed that this morning and I assumed that was from the blood loss. What concerned me the most was happening around the base of my neck, just barely peeking out from my bandages. I looked to see what I could only describe as black, vine-like tendrils that extended up to and over my collarbone. There weren't incredibly visible, however the contrast of them against my skin and bandages certainly made them stick out a little. I quickly zipped up and readjusted my hoodie up to cover these things before I looked back at Lazari, who was sat with her arms folded. "It's not just a concussion, (Y/N)" Lazari stated, leaning in and gesturing for me to do the same. "I don't exactly recognise what's happening to you, but I'm somewhat of an expert in the field" she explained quietly. I raised an eyebrow in confusion, but as I slowly pieced things together Lazari spoke up again. "For whatever unfortunate reason, one of them has a hold of you" she added lowly, her tone causing me some worry.
"Them?" I asked, fearing what this meant for me given Lazari's personal 'connections'.
"Given the tentacles, it might be my Aunt" she explained, and I quickly understood that she meant Slenda. "Or worse, and more likely, it's from my mother. Given who you 'house', I fear she's trying to make you one of us" she stated seriously. "I know what you are. And yet, for some reason, I'm genuinely worried about you" she explained, sounding somewhat confused herself.
"God dammit..." I mumbled. "What does Zalga want from me?" I asked, not bothering to put up a clueless front.

"Well then, since you know about her, that makes giving an explanation a lot easier" Lazari commented nonchalantly. "Given what you are, she probably wants to 'hire' you" she theorised.
"No, I doubt it" I responded quickly. "It's not me that she's after. It's him" I stated, assuming Lazari knew who I was referring to.
"Are you sure?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.
"Definitely. She held my friend hostage to try and convince him to come out" I explained, recalling mine and Zalga's first meeting.
"Really? That's... upsetting to learn..." she said with a sad look in her eyes.
"You're telling me; I had to be there in the middle of it" I said. "But if she wants him, there's an... issue currently" I added, catching Lazari's attention.
"And that would be?" She asked.
"Your mom told me that he was, and I quote, 'out of commission for now'" I explained. There was a moment of silence after I said this, and the tension between us was so thick it felt like it was almost tangible.
"She spoke to you!?" Lazari exclaimed, breaking our silence and slamming the table when she stood up - gaining a lot of looks from the people scattered around.

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