Chapter 61 | A change of attitude

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Still (Y/N)'s POV
"LET'S HAVE SOME FUCKIN' FUN!" I exclaimed psychotically, breaking into a sprint towards the lineup of security guards in front of me. I watched as they all raised their guards, and my laughter from before had returned as I closed the gap. I kept laughing as I leapt off of the ground, launching myself towards the centre guard - who happened to be unarmed. Like all of the guards, he was a fair bit taller than me - with all of them standing somewhere around the six and a half feet mark. I was too busy noticing this to launch an attack at the same time however, so upon reaching the guard I had ended up with my legs wrapped around his upper chest whilst I had a firm grip on his shoulders. Still laughing however, I stared into his eyes before slamming my forehead into his nose with as much force as I could muster - even going as far as to jostle him closer by pulling his shoulders forward. With a disturbing *CRUNCH* the man's nose had essentially halved in length, and his blood spurted out of its bridge and onto my face and mask as he fell back.

Before I could get up to make another move, I was met with a strong punt to the face. It connected well, cutting my laughter off and launching me off of the unconscious guard and onto my back a few feet away. I laid flat for a few seconds, needing to catch my breath, but as I heard the guards begin to approach I knew I wouldn't have the chance I wanted. Jolting back up, I felt my vision blur slightly. The world in front of me seemed hazy, so I quickly ran an arm over my face to wipe my eyes. In doing this, I noticed that the rushing guards had all paused on account of the fact that I was now unknowingly smearing their friend's blood across my face. My vision returned pretty quickly, although now tinted slightly red, and seeing the looks on their faces made me laugh once again. "Come on then!" I exclaimed, holding my arms out to the side as my voice echoed around the room. "Show me whatcha got!" I added, charging the new centre man with my fist raised.

My punch was blocked by my target, an annoying outcome but not exactly a surprising one. I quickly followed up by attacking the hole in his defence, landing a solid blow on his stomach and knocking the wind out of him. As I reared my fist back to strike again, my attempt was cut off as I was struck once again. The rightmost guard had punched me across the jaw, causing my head to jerk left - only to then get hit by a firm left hook to the middle of my face from the leftmost guard. I stumbled back a few steps, clutching my nose in pain. However my time alone didn't last, as the guards all rushed me again and released a flurry of blows against my whole body.

Of course, I didn't let them wail on me for free. The first follow up attack came from the middle guard. He had landed a straight jab on my face, a blow that certainly hurt but one that he didn't get easily. As his hit landed, I was already in the process of throwing an uppercut - a punch that hit its mark dead on due to him stepping forward for his own. I slammed my fist full force into his chin, using so much strength that after his teeth had clashed his whole head was thrown up as he stumbled back. I wasn't able to follow up any further however, since I was focused on protecting myself from another guard. He had carelessly slashed down at me during my attack, causing himself to miss and allowing me to grab ahold of his arm. I went to bring my elbow down on his own, however I was unable to do so after receiving a side kick to the middle of my chest. This caused me to drop my opponents arm, and take several steps back to dodge another handful of varied attacks.

"Now that's what I'm talking about!" I exclaimed joyously, despite my body being riddled with injuries my main feeling was excitement. Taking the space in front of me into account, I quickly ran forward and drop kicked the guard who I had previously uppercutted. He was launched quite far back after my feet both collided with his face, rendering him unconscious before he had even touched back on the ground. "Now let's use those knives, boys!" I exclaimed, gesturing for the remaining four to come at me from both sides. I noticed the last unarmed one take a few steps back after I spoke, and it was then my body lurched forward to attack. I ran straight for the retreater, but as his teammate tried to slash at me I ducked down under the knife and attacked him instead. From my crouched position, I quickly swept the legs of my attacker - causing him to lose his balance and fall back. Moving almost instinctively, I grabbed his knife wielding hand and its wrist before burying the blade deep into his shoulder as I forced him to the ground.

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