Chapter 40 | An odd series of events

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Still (Y/N)'s POV
"Where does everyone wanna go for our first dates?" I asked, only to receive a large uproar in response. "Well, you can just text me your answers later" I said, chuckling before I spoke. "Anyone got a piece of paper?" I asked, patting myself down. "And a pen?" I added, realising I had neither.
"Here" Helen said, waving her notebook in the air.
"Thanks" I said, holding my hands out as Helen threw the book towards me. I reached out to catch it with my dominant hand but as it made contact, pain shot through my entire arm once again. "Fuck!" I yelled as my arm recoiled, leaving Helen's book to hit the floor. "Shit..." I mumbled, shaking my arm is if I was trying to cool it off. "My bad, sorry, everyone" I apologised, carefully picking up the note book and flipping to the back page. "Um... Helen?" I asked, my eyes glued to the page I found.
"Y-yes?" She responded, stepping forward.
"Um... *cough cough* what's this?" I asked bashfully, turning the book for everyone to see.

The page showed a side view of naked Helen laying on a bed and an unmasked me with my face between her legs and licking her 'privates'. Despite the page being small, the amount of detail it had was shocking. It was almost like a picture, and honestly it could've fooled me if it was someone else and wasn't on paper. Helen had managed to draw her proportions perfectly, her hand that grasped the bedsheet was the same as the one that played with... herself in the drawing. Her eye shape, size and colour were all perfect and the blush that was on her face was the identical to the one I saw when I saw her face for the first time. She also had perfectly recreated my hair and the way it would fall in the position she drew me in, and she managed to work around not knowing what my face looked like my covering the lower half with her thigh. To say the drawing was amazing would be an understatement, and yet the nature of it was... concerning to say the least.

"Oh, that? It's porn, silly" Helen said shamelessly.
"I, uh, gathered that" I responded, feeling myself getting redder by the second. "I meant to ask why" I added, feeling the heat in my cheeks.
"Well, after our first private interaction, I ran to my room to draw that" she said simply. "A benefit about being an artist is that you can really visualise your fantasies" she added cheerily.
"Well damn" Jane commented, astonished.
"Gotta hand it to her, that's creative as hell" Clockwork added, her eyes locked on to the paper.
"Hey, got any more?" Masky asked.
"Of course, look" Helen said, reaching forward and flipping the page to show two more pages of porn.

The right page was Helen with her face all the way in my 'nether-regions', except her mouth was open and my pants were... well not in the picture at all. She had even taken the liberty to draw hearts in her eyes as she drooled a certain white fluid. The other page was more of an 'action shot' so to speak. It showed me in my vigilante getup, mask and all, pushing a very naked Helen against the wall as I gripped her ponytail with my right hand. She had a speech bubble that read "P-please..." as I was lining my man-rod with her lady-hole.
"Holy..." Sally said, her face beet-red.
"Very veiny" Jill commented.
"Pretty long too" Hoodie added. "Did you have a basis for that one?" She asked.
"Not particularly, it was more of a guess based on body proportion" Helen responded as I took my first glance at these pages and feeling lots of blood rush to my both of my heads. She looked me up and down in this moment, and it was clear that a thought came to her mind. "Although maybe I was wrong going for six..." she muttered.
"Uh... yeah, a *gulp* little short on that one" I said sheepishly.
"Short!?" A few of them exclaimed.
"As someone who's seen it, I can confirm he said it was nine" Benny said, a smug smile plastered in her face once more as she leaned on the doorframe.
"You what!? When!? How!?" I asked, my head feeling as if it was about to explode.
"Next time you get nasty, maybe don't do it in front of the TV, big boy~" she said, trying to stifle a laugh.
"She got you there, champ" Nightmare commented.
"H-holy sh-shit..." Tami said simply.
"That's a pretty big accomplishment~" Slenda added, licking her lips.
"Sounds like it would hurt..." Ann thought aloud, looking down with a hand to her womb.

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