Chapter 24 | Something that nobody could've guessed (Lemon)

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Still (Y/N)'s POV
"(Y/N)..." Jess asked, her gazed locked onto mine over her shoulder.
"Y-yeah?" I asked, my anxiety through the roof.
"What's poking my ass?" She asked in a stern tone.
'Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck. FUCKING THINK OF SOMETHING DAMMIT, (Y/N)!' I mentally yelled. "It's my... Uh... My phone..." I said, worried about how this could go.
"I know for a fact that no one's phone isn't that long" Jess said.
"It's my... uh... wallet. Yeah it's my wallet" I said, trying to think of something else.
"You're trying to say that your wallet's longer than your phone?" She questioned.
"It's open?" I responded, desperately trying to save myself.
"Let's cut the bullshit" Jess said as she turned around to face me. "Let me get a real look at what was poking me" she said with a smug grin.

Throwing the covers off of the both of us, I was met with a surprise to say the least. Jess was completely naked aside from a pair of white panties. I felt my entire face glow red at the sight, along with the tent in my pants go from a semi to full on. "Oh, so that's what it was..." Jess said, a mild blush of her own spreading across her face. "I'm not gonna pretend that I didn't know what it was..." she began. "But I had no idea it was so big~" she cooed.

My blush, along with something else, grew even larger at her compliment. "Th-thanks?" I said, unsure of how to respond. "W-well if you're all better then I don't need to keep bothering you any longer" I said, shuffling away and standing up beside the bed. "Sorry to take up your time, Je-"
"Where do you think you're going, handsome?~" Jess asked, grabbing the waistband of my pants to stop me. She stood up on her knees, changing her grip from my sweats to my shoulders. "Whatever gave you the idea I wanted you to go?~" She asked, turning me to face her.
"So... You're not gonna cut my dick off?" I asked, my worry slowly going away as we locked eyes.
"Well if I did that, then neither one of us could have fun in this situation now could we?~" she whispered in my ear, her hands sliding under my shirt before drawing little hearts on my upper chest with her fingertip.

"So what do you say? Wanna have some fun?~" she whispered in my ear again, this time drifting her hands to just below the waistband of my pants. If I wasn't hard before, then I definitely was now.
"How could I say no when you give me an offer like that?~" I whispered in her ear in response, hoping that I could mask my nervousness with confidence.
"You couldn't~" she giggled as she pulled my mask down and me on top of her as we fell back onto the bed.

As we fell on the bed, I landed on all fours on top of her. My knees were beside her hips to accompany my hands that were just under her arms. By the time I landed our faces were mere inches apart, so I decided to take initiative. Closing the gap, our lips locked immediately and our tongues began to wrestle. She was starting to overpower me, but that was until I grabbed her left boob and started to massage it whilst teasing her nipple with my pointer finger. A moan escaped her lips upon the contact, and all movements stopped. Pulling away, a strand of saliva still connecting both of our lips, I looked her dead in the eye as a smirk grew across my face. I watched as Jess bit her lip in anticipation and gazed at me with a look of lust.

I chuckled a little at her reaction and got up off the bed, causing Jess to whine as I stood up. "Where do you think you're going, sexy?~" Jess asked, grabbing me by the back of my shirt.
"You saying you want to be the only one in your underwear?" I asked smugly as I turned to face her.
"No way~" she cooed, letting my shirt go and laying back down.
"That's what I thought" I said with a wink.

I took off my shirt slowly, keeping my back to Jess the entire time. With my bandages all exposed, I sat on the side of the bed beside Jess and slid my sweats of with one swift motion. Turning to look at the girl laying beside me I saw that she was really into the site of me changing. "Like what you see?" I asked, getting back into the position we were in before I moved.
"You already know the answer to that~" she said, trailing a finger from the base of my neck to the waistband of my underwear. "Shame you need these" she said, pinging one a of bandages.
"Maybe I'll let you see what's underneath some other time" I began. "But for now..." I groped her once again as I spoke. "Let's enjoy what we've got right here and now~" I said, letting go of her breast and trailing my hand down her side until I got to her waist. "Or do you not want this to happen?" I asked.

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