Chapter 49 | Living with a new housemate

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Still (Y/N)'s POV
"What sort of thing do you want to learn how to cook today?" I asked, giving a kind smile. However, I only received a puzzled look in response.
"Hey, Candy Ass, you really think she has any idea of food names? How'd ya think she's gonna come up with the name of a whole meal she wants to make?" Nightmare asked sarcastically.
'Alright, alright, I got it. But even though I messed up, you don't have to be a dick about it. Plus she knew how to make the same kind of pancakes I do, so I kind of just assumed...' I admitted.
"Probably because you've had the recipe stuck to the fridge for the past eight years, numb nuts. And every ingredient required is labelled" he responded, clearly agitated about something unrelated to me. "Agitated? Agitated you say? That's because you left me out of HALF THE LAST CHAPT-" Nightmare yelled, only for his voice to be muffled by something as it got further and further away.
"I, uh, don't really know any names..." the Rake admitted, blushing a little in embarrassment.
"I thought so, but don't worry about that. How about we start with something basic tonight?" I offered, receiving an shy yet happy nod in response.

"Alright! Then how about..." I stopped to think, realising that I would definitely have to cater to her monstrous taste and/or appetite. My eyes swept back and forth over the food I had available, but it was only when I saw it out of the corner of my eye that I found my solution. I turned to see the giant cooking pot that I never used for myself, and that when I remembered what mom used to put in there when we had a lot of people over. "How does Mac and Cheese sound?" I asked, receiving a very enthusiastic nod in response.
"I don't know what it is, but I want some!" She said enthusiastically, drooling a little bit as she spoke.
"Well, it involves macaroni and cheese. As the name entails" I explained with a light chuckle. "So first things first, we grab our..." I began, showing her the ingredients and the process of how to cook and combine them.

(Time skip brought to you by cooking, since I can't cook well and I'm definitely not qualified to explain)

Me and the Rake returned to the kitchen and taking a peek, I saw that the Mac and Cheese had finished. With a smile I opened the pot and saw as the Rake watched it bewilderment as the steam rose out, before her face changed to one of ecstasy as the smell filled the room. "Smells good, right?" I said proudly, to which I got a very enthusiastic nod. "Well here" I added, handing her a bowl before getting out a ladle. "We use this to dish out the food, so we don't spill things or burn ourselves, okay?" I explained, giving her another repeated lesson in common sense.
"What's wrong with spilling stuff?" She asked, watching intensely as I filled my bowl.
"Well for one it means we have to clean it, which is a lot of effort sometimes" I began, handing her the ladle once I was done. "And two: the less we spill, the more we have to eat" I added, this half of my explanation catching the most of her attention.
"Then is it okay if you help me? I don't want to drop it" she asked, staring lovingly at the contents of the pot.
"Yeah, no problem" I said, standing behind her and gently holding her by the wrists.
She let out an "eep" as I stood close, most likely equally embarrassed at the situation as I was. I felt her tense at my movements, but I did my best to focus on the fact that this was technically a lesson as opposed to a moment of romance. I helped guide her movements for two of the 'spoonfuls', before letting her do the third with my arms hovering beside hers and finally letting her do the rest on her own.

Dinner went by fairly fast, with me only eating one and a half bowls as opposed to the Rake devouring the rest of the pot. After she brought her bowl to the kitchen, I gave her a quick lesson on how to dishes before I watched her slump forward a little and sway where she stood. I was about to say something, but the second I opened my mouth she fell forward and her head fell into my chest. After I caught her, I froze in a moment of panic and shock. However, after I heard her snore lightly a wave of relief washed over me as she nuzzled into my chest. 'Oh thank god for that' I thought, sighing heavily before I gently picked her up. 'Should I leave her in my bed, or...?' I wondered, confused as to where she had been sleeping.
"It makes sense to have your girlfriend in your room, doesn't it?" Nightmare asked, seemingly returned from whatever happened.
'And if Benny's stalking my TV?' I questioned, walking past the couch with the Rake in my arms like a bride.
"Then talk through the TV beforehand, and then toss a blanket over it so she can't see anymore. Or at least without home invasion" he responded simply, his plan once again very logical.
'Look at you, Mr. Strategy today, huh?' I said, now walking up the stairs.
"Yeah, I have no idea either. I think when we got zapped I happened to get smarter or something" he explained as I made it to my room. "Prop the Mongrel up against the door first, if Pointy Ears sees you put some random chick to bed then I don't doubt she'll fly outta the screen and throttle you without a second thought" he added, his points being something I just couldn't refute.

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