Chapter 20 | Introducing Someone

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Jackie's POV
"Was I the only one who found that kinda hot?" I asked everyone as we all looked at (Y/N) walk away, his stomach pouring out with blood and leaving a dark red trail behind him.
"Nope" I heard the majority respond as I licked my lips a little.
"Nice" I mumbled, hearing (Y/N) distantly speak to someone out in the hall.
"Who's he talking to?" Benny asked. "We're all here, right?" she added, doing a headcount.
"I'm... not sure" Slenda responded, a finger on her chin as she copied Benny.
"I'll go find out" I said, as I got out of my seat and followed his trail.
"I'll go too!" Benny added, following close behind.

We made sure to walk fast to catch up to (Y/N), but we still did our best to stay as quiet as possible. From around a corner we could hear him at the top of the stairs, talking to someone again. I looked back at Benny only for her to shrug and show the same amount of confusion as I felt, after that she put a finger to her lips and cupped her hand behind her ear. Understanding what her silent instructions meant, I nodded and put my focus back on (Y/N). "Oh yeah, fire and stuff" he said, followed by the noise of what sounded like someone striking a match. "So I guess I get to keep this power now?" he grunted to himself, a faint sizzle in the background.
Moving my mask so my mouth could be seen I looked at Benny and mouthed: "Did he not have fire before?"
"I guess not" she mouthed back with a shrug. As the faint smell of burning flesh and the quiet sizzling sound went away, (Y/N) asked another question.
"Oh? Anymore powers I can take?" he asked. No response. "Glitch?" he continued, the creaking sound of the top step followed by the rhythmic knocking of him walking away. I turned to Benny and motioned for her to follow, she nodded in response and pretty much copied what I did. "Yes, I know what glitching is when it comes to video games. But this is real life, so how in the ever-loving fuck did I glitch?" (Y/N) asked, getting to his door. Opening it, he followed up by asking something else as he entered. "How can I 'get lucky' when stea-" he was cut off when he shut his door. But as his voice got cut off, an idea came to my head.

"Hey, Benny?" I asked, turning to see her rubbing her chin as she was in thought.
"What's up?" she responded, snapping out if the trance she seemed to be in.
"You can jump through TVs and stuff, right?" I asked.
"Yeah... where are you going with this?" she questioned.
"Can you take other people with you?" I quizzed, a semi-logical plan forming in my head.
"I think so, but why do you wanna kno- oooooooooooooh, I see where this is going" she said, walking to her room with me in tow. "Alright, worst comes to worst, you lose a limb" she said as she ran at full speed and dived into her TV, pulling me along with her.
"Wait, what wa-" was all I could get out before I was pulled into the TV with Benny.

Benny's POV
I could still feel that I had a hold on Jackie's wrist, and had hoped that it was still attached to her body. Turning my head slowly, I was relieved to see that the rest of her body was there as well. I let out a sigh of relief as I let go of her wrist, allowing her to look around at the field we were stood on. "This is what the inside of a TV looks like? An 8-bit grassland?" she asked, seemingly a little disappointed.
"I was playing video games earlier, I got to this area before everyone went downstairs" I said with a shrug. "Anyway, what're we meant to do from here?" I asked, wondering what the next part of her plan was.
"You know that really annoying thing that you do where you spy on people through their screens?" she asked, a slight tone of annoyance in her voice.
"I'm sorry that there was one time that I caught you masturba-" I began.
"Well what if we did that through (Y/N)'s phone?" she asked, cutting me off before I could finish.
"That'd work, but it'll depend if he's got it on him" I explained with a shrug. "It should be through..." I began, looking around for a few seconds. "That one" I finished, pointing to one of a few doors that had just risen from the ground.

We walked towards it and before we opened it, I held a finger to my lips and shushed Jackie. She nodded and I quietly opened the door and put my ear to the wall of static that was behind it. Silence. I turned to Jackie who, despite having a mask on, was showing the same amount of confusion that I did. We looked at each other and both shrugged, unsure if (Y/N) was done talking or if he just didn't have his phone on him. Nothing but sile- "FUUUUUUUCK!!!" (Y/N) screamed, startling Jackie and I and causing us to fall over. As we both got up from the floor, (Y/N) let out a pained groan before speaking again.

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