Chapter 13 | Tale of the Past and a problem for Today

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Slenda's POV
"Where did all these scars come from!?" I yelled, horrified at what I was seeing. After Benny pointed my attention towards the horrific damage, to say I was mortified was somewhat of an understatement. "How does something this bad happen to someone so good?" I asked quietly after not getting a response from Benny, tearing up a little at the sight and resisting the urge to run my hand along his chest.
"I wish I could tell you..." Benny responded, a tear falling down her cheek and onto the floor. "But I promised not to tell anyone..." she said with a sniffle.
"W-what's that supposed to mean?" I asked, fighting the urge to cry with my gaze never leaving (Y/N). "And why even bring it to my attention if that was the case!?" I asked angrily, yet quietly in a continued attempt to hold in my tears and not wake (Y/N).
"I've known (Y/N) for a few years now, he's that friend I started bragging about a number of years ago. I've seen something happen while we were playing a game and it was... it was loud enough to hear through the mic. We promised to meet one day and he promised that that would be the day he explained it all. In turn... I promised him that I wouldn't tell anyone what happened unless he let me" she explained, wiping her eyes and looking at the floor, her cheeks dripping with real tears as opposed to blood.

I didn't know how to respond, but Benny's heartfelt tale broke me. I dropped to my knees and sobbed into my hands, unable to stop my tears flowing. That was until I heard the bed rustle beside me. "I'm glad you remembered, Benny" I heard (Y/N) say.

(Y/N)'s POV
"We promised to meet one day and I promised him that I wouldn't tell anyone what happened unless he let me" Benny finished her explanation, causing me to smile warmly under my mask. But that smile was cut short as I heard Slenda crying hard beside my bed.
'Time to stop pretending' I thought as I sat up. "I'm glad you remembered the promise, Benny." I said, putting the focus one me as I thought it would. But what I didn't expect was for a tearful Slenda to dive at me and hug me so tight it was as if she thought I'd disappear if she let go. I didn't hesitate to return the hug and stroke her hair as she cried softly into my shoulder. "It's alright" I said softly. "Let it all out, I'm here" I added kindly, holding her tight. "But seriously, why bring it to someone else's attention if you're both gonna cry?" I asked over Slenda's shoulder as she let out her emotions into mine. "Well, it is what it is. I'm not mad since you technically kept the promise" I continued, smiling a little more under my mask. Although that smile quickly dropped when I realised how fidgety and silent Benny was. "Wanna join in?" I asked Benny, extending my spare arm that was stroking Slenda's hair. She didn't hesitate to jump at the chance and buried herself in my chest as she cried a little herself. When Slenda eventually stopped crying she took her head off of my shoulder, allowing me to wipe her tears away.

"Better?" I asked.
"*sniff* Yeah, sorry" Slenda said, embarrassed.
"No need to be" I said as I kept hugging them both, stroking their hair in an attempt to keep them both as calm as possible. We all sat there in each other's embraces in silence other than the occasional sniffle from one of the girls. "You know, I was listening the whole time" I explained.
"Wh-what do you mean?" Benny asked, looking up from my chest.
"When you said about 'going the other way' when you were outside of my door I chose not to actually sleep. And either way I think I'd of been woken up when you yelled for Slenda" I said with a chuckle and rolling my eyes sarcastically.
"Um... (Y/N)?" she said, with a confused expression.
"Yeah?" I responded simply.
"I didn't say those out loud. It was thinking to myself the first time and I was talking to Slenda telepathically when I 'yelled'" she explained, and that was when I heard Slenda chuckle a little beside me.
"Looks like we found your power, (Y/N)" Slenda said with a smile. "Or at least another one outside of that killer instinct of yours" she added, a sly smile creeping its way onto her face.

Unsure how to respond, I tried to test it out by focusing on Benny. 'He's got powers now!? He gets hotter by the second!' I heard her mentally exclaimed.
"Aww thanks, Benny" I said, a smug grin under my mask.
"Did you just...?" She asked, a dumbfounded look slapped onto her face.
"Yep" I said, still smiling. She blushed a shade of red darker than her eyes and she ended up fumbling over her words as she tried to find some sort of response.
"I guess that explains how I'm unable to read your mind" Slenda said, cutting Benny off. "Those with telepathic abilities can't read each other's minds unless there is a pact agreement between both parties. So that explains how I could read your mind temporarily at least" she said with a smile. 'I wonder if he'd be able to find out my fantasies about him if he learns how to read memories' I heard her think.
"Slenda, if I may I ask, what kind of fantasies do you have about me?" I asked her smugly.
"Did you really just...?" she asked, with a blush on her face as well as a look of awe in her eyes.
"Yeeeeeeep" I said, my grin growing wider and wider.
"But... that shouldn't work" she whispered to herself.
"It shouldn't?" I asked, tilting my head slightly.
"As far as I'm aware, there should be no way for you to read my mind if I can't read yours at the same time. It's not possible, I'm confident that it's not" she explained as she scratched her head in confusion. "Please excuse me, I need to go back to my room and research this" she said as she stood up from the bed and teleported away.

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