Chapter 29 | Confusion

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(Y/N)'s POV
"You're my boyfriend!" The new lady exclaimed joyfully, pulling me into a tight hug and holding my face directly between her huge boobs.
"Are you... sure you've got the right guy?" I asked, my voice muffled and my face covered in pure confusion under my mask and between her breasts. "I mean, how would you even be able to tell, I'm covering most of my face and I haven't worn this getup out before, well at least until recently" I rambled in a panic, eventually pulling away from her.
"Oh c'mon, silly, I could never forget that voice of yours" she said, waving a hand dismissively despite her facial expression unchanging. "And might I add I love this new body of yours~" she added with a smirk.
"But this isn- oh. Oh no" I said at the realisation. The voice that I use, was given to me by Nightmare, which means... "You think I'm Nightmare don't you?" I asked, resisting the urge to face palm.
"What do you mean 'think'?" She asked, a look of disappointment growing on her face.
"Well... You know how Nightmare isn't actually a person and instead possesses people to give himself a body to concentrate his powers through so his life force doesn't expire?" I asked, half-assing the explanation but pretty confident it was accurate.
"Well that's the watered down version..." Nightmare grumbled, clearly annoyed at the simplification.

"Uh-huh..." She said, nodding along.
"Well, I'm not Nightmare. I'm the vessel, the ritual didn't go right so Nightmare sits in the back of my head until certain conditions are met" I explained, hoping to cease all confusion.
"Conditions? Like what?" She asked, innocently enough.
"Well as far as I'm aware he only really has his way out if he can kill me in my own mind or if I lose all sense of self" I explained, realising how stupid this all sounded out loud.
"So what you're saying is..." She began, turning to the Rake. "If I slit your little girlfriend's throat, he'll get his chance?" She asked, her demonic tone now leaning to a more evil side as she grabbed the Rake by the hair and stood on the back of her legs as she pulled her up to face you.
'Note: don't tell potentially evil strangers how to give an eons old demon, that they may have possible relations with, control over my body' I mentally noted. "Slit her throat? With what?" I asked, but probably with the wrong tone and phrasing when talking to the demon queen of a mega fortress. "Rake, sweetie, don't resist okay? This lady is a bit scary so we need to play nice" I spoke, using the same tone I would to talk to a child. I received a scared and teary-eyed nod as she began to take some deep breaths to try and calm herself as I locked eyes with this Lady once more.
"With this" she responded, holding her free hand out and materialising a sword into her palm before holding it against the Rake's throat.

'Well shitballs' you and Nightmare said in unison.

"Now now, Madam, I forgot to mention that there is some midway between me and him when there's consent from both parties. You get me?" I asked, holding my arms forward with my palms open and with my hands pointed up.
"I'm listening..." she replied, moving her blade slightly away from the Rake's neck.
"Alright, let me talk to him really quick and see if we can arrange something. Please just, give us a sec" I said, keeping my hands up with the hopes of proving I meant no harm. She gave a nod in response, her weapon unmoving.
"Am I gonna be allowed to explain?" He asked plainly as I turned around.
'Explain your demon psycho ex? Please do, and make it snappy!' I responded impatiently, crossing my arms.

"Her name is Zalga"
"She was my ex from my last few bodies"
"But I never technically broke up with her, and I'm pretty sure she's been looking for me since I tried to avoid her since my second to last body"

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