Chapter 72 | Conflict

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(Y/N)'s POV
"Problem solved" I said simply, looking down at the lifeless lump on the ground. "How's it lookin'?" I asked, looking down at my now very open wound.
"Well, bleeding black isn't exactly a sign of humanity..." Dr Smiley noted, scooping the growth into a large glass jar. "Hope you don't mind, but I'll be keeping this for analysis" she added, looking at it from various angles as I ran my left hand over my face.
"Fine by me, as long as this hole gets closed" I responded, taking a deep breath in an attempt to not focus on the pain.
"Wh-what happened to your voice? And your eyes!?" Lazari exclaimed, now stood in front of me.

As Dr Smiley did some final check ups on my open wound, I quickly understood what Lazari meant when she mentioned my eyes previously. I was quiet for a second, but I eventually decided that it was only fair to give the two who helped me out an explanation of a sorts. "Hm? Oh yeah, that came back" I thought aloud, clearing my throat a little as I reverted my voice back to normal. "It's basically camouflage, helps me hide my identity when I've gotta use my powers" I explained, blinking a few times to help change my eyes back to normal.
"Hide your identity? Why do that?" Dr Smiley asked, wheeling back over to me in her chair.
"I'd prefer not to be associated with demonic activity. I get the feeling I'd make a lot more enemies otherwise" I stated, an uncomfortable feeling shooting up my spine as Smiley ran her fingers along the inner walls of my wound.

"So?" I asked, watching Dr Smiley stand back up and grab some things off of her desk. "How's it lookin'?" I repeated, once again looking down at the wound myself.
"No idea" Dr Smiley admitted, drenching a cotton ball in hydrogen peroxide. "It feels like a regular open wound, but the Mistress's confirmation definitely means it's demonic in nature" she explained, picking the cotton up with a pair of forceps.
"Lazari? Any input?" I asked, looking over to the red faced girl.
"Looks... tasty..." she mumbled, licking her lips.
"That's not good" I muttered, my focus allowing me to ignore the stinging pain being swapped inside my wound. "Doc... little help?" I asked, nudging Smiley and nodding towards Lazari.

"*sigh* And here I was hoping a high school would help avoid hunger problems..." Dr Smiley muttered, standing up and walking over to Lazari. Smiley waved her hand in front of Lazari's face a few times and snapped her fingers, hoping to draw her attention. Lazari seemed fixated on me, and a pit began to form on my stomach when she licked her top lip. As I watched her stance shift, I quickly readied myself for a potential attack. I opened my mouth to try and voice my concerns to Smiley, but when I tried no words came out.

At least, no words of my own.

Once Lazari stepped closer, I felt Zalga speak up in my place. The words that were spoken were incomprehensible, and yet it felt like the whole world had fallen silent. But regardless, whatever was said had stopped Lazari dead in her tracks. From the looks of things, her body was in the process shifting into another form before Zalga stepped in. She quickly reverted back and slumped forward, seemingly having all of the energy sucked out of her. "The hell was that?" I muttered, watching on as Smiley caught Lazari before she fell over.
"Just a little assistance. Can't have you getting eaten now, can we?" Zalga chimed in.
'I see, thanks' I thought simply, walking back over to Smiley's desk.

A hush fell over the room for a moment, but as I began to dress my wound Zalga spoke up once again. "What? No thanks for the Big Momma?" She asked.
''Big momma'? That's a new one...' I thought, holding back a laugh. "I already thanked you though. Didn't you hear it?" I asked, speaking aloud for clarity.
"*tsk* Your lips didn't even move, (Y/N)" Zalga huffed, evidently more than a little upset. "I know men aren't the greatest at being called out, but while we're working together pleas-"
"No. Seriously" I interrupted. "Can't you hear my thoughts?" I wondered.
"Nope. I tried some mind reading after my power up, but that avenue came up short" she explained.

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