Chapter 48 | 'Normal' life returns

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Lazari's POV
After my suspicion arose about (Y/N), I tried to find a reason to double check and possibly confirm what I was feeling. I reached in my bag in search of a pen, but luckily for me the chance to talk again had fallen right into my lap. "Oh dammit, I left my pencil case at home" I mumbled into my bag, hoping to trick (Y/N) into thinking this wasn't part of some plan. "Sorry to be a pain, but is it okay if I please borrow a pen?" I asked, trying to be extra polite as a means to get through his harsh personality.
"Yeah, no worries" he responded, his tone softening and coming across quite kindly. Whilst he spoke, he quietly reached into his bag and pulled out a black pen before holding it out for me to take.
"Thanks" I responded simply, reaching for the pen. I did my best to play it off as an accident, so when I took the pen I only lightly brushed my fingertips again his. I watched him tense up once again, and a heard a voice speak up.
"He's definitely tainted, but he's also powerful..." Lazarus explained, her tone telling me that he was not someone to take lightly. "I recommend we not associate with him when possible, he seems like a threat" she added, not even trying to account for him being a human with emotions.
'Understood...' I responded, feeling a little sad but ultimately trusting what Lazarus was talking about.

(Y/N)'s POV
"OH FUCK! KID YOU GOTTA GET AWAY FROM HER NOW!" Nightmare yelled, clearly panicked about something.
'Good morning, sunshine' I responded, laying down in my arms once again so we could talk clearer. "Sleep well?" I asked, now standing in my dreamscape.
"No, it was awful. I was working the whole time" he groaned, leaning against some rubble as he stretched himself out. "Wait a minute, that doesn't matter! We gotta get the hell outta here!" He yelled, his eyes widening at his realisation.
"Why? I've lived this week before and hardly anything's changed" I responded calmly, hoping his emotions would mirror my own.
"Yeah, but you didn't have me last time! That chick next to you, she's fucking dangerous as shit!" He exclaimed, his voice full of worry.
"You mean Lazari? What's wrong with her?" I asked, genuinely concerned about how he was reacting.

"The girl's a Zalgoid! And much like someone, she's got a demon in her head!" He yelled, several dots now connecting in my head.
"Oh fuck me she's Zalga's daughter, isn't she?" I groaned, now knowing where I recognised the name 'Lazari Swann' from.
"Yeah, and the demon in her head's name is 'Lazarus'. Not a bad lady, but she needs to feed on 'monstrous beings' to live" he explained, now calming down.
"And let me guess: we're on the menu?" I asked, assuming the worst.
"To be more specific - we just so happen to be the most expensive meal on there, but also the most tasty" he answered, making me worry a little.
"Well regardless, if this week goes like time intended, this should be the last time we interact. This is the one of the few classes we have together after all" I explained, seeing Nightmare let out a huge breath of relief before slumping forward.
"Thank fuck for that..." he sighed happily. "Just please don't do so much as look at her, ever. Got it?" He added, raising an eyebrow as he stood up straight.
"I'll do my best" I reassured, giving him a mock salute.
"Good. Now get your dumbass back to class, can't be skipping out on lesson now can we?" He said jokingly, earning a small laugh from both of us.
"Oh yes, sir, thank you for gracing me with your bountiful wisdom" I responded with a bow, trying to uphold the joyful atmosphere to hopefully prevent him from freaking out again.

(Timeskip, because you should pay attention in class, but that doesn't mean I have to narrate it)

After a thankfully non-violent day of school, I began to make my way home as I did my best to recall how this week went down originally. While I wasn't able to remember every detail, I managed to get myself a lacklustre summary of each day. 'I just need to follow the formula, then it'll be happy days once again' I thought, typing out some key details in my notes app.
"Ya realise it's fully possible to speed this process up, right?" Nightmare asked, peaking my interest and sparking a conversation.
'I don't particularly want to risk a butterfly effect, but do tell' I said, somewhat skeptically but also genuinely intrigued.
"Something that you may not know is that Big MILF found out about you through the normal one" he began, most likely talking about Slenda and Sally. "However, MILFy was attracted to you via your ability. So if you make your power known sooner, you may not have to wait for your little school crush to get sexually assaulted. Plus I don't wanna see that shit again, rape is for scummy cunt-bags " he explained, his last few words making me smile at this part of his moral compass.
'I dunno, man' I responded. 'How do we know this won't mess up the sequence?' I asked, wanting a safety net in case of emergency.

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