Chapter 6 | The chase and the Gamer

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'Jeff's' POV, moments before
'THAT MOTHERFUCKER, I THINK HE BROKE MY FUCKING NOSE!' I mentally screamed as that psycho asshole walked away from me to talk to the bitch at the phone. He seemed to have calmed down, and I hoped he was less alert. "It'll be alright, she's unconscious for now" I heard him say to the guy as he placed a hand on his shoulder. I began to pull my knife out with both hands as I pushed against the wall with my feet. As the two kept conversing, I kept prying myself off of the wall. I felt my knife begin to budge so I lightly put my legs back on the ground, and with all the strength I could muster I yanked the knife out of the wall. 'I've got to get the fuck out of here' I thought as I held my nose and quickly snuck out. I managed to jump out of the shatter-hole-thing I made in the window and grabbed onto the fire escape that led me into that shit-fest. I made my way down at a fair pace, occasionally wiping away some blood with my sleeve.
But I flinched when I heard a familiar booming voice yell "SHIT!", before my 'steady pace' turned into the closest I could get to a sprint so I could get down faster. I hopped off of the last floor of the fire escape and instantly started running. However, some equally fast steps that I heard from behind me definitely helped me pick up the pace.

(Y/N)'s POV
As the chase began, she didn't dare look back. Although it makes sense that fear would do that to someone. 'At least she got a taste of her own medicine' I thought as I continued to run after her. But as faint police sirens became louder, she thankfully chose to take a detour into an alleyway. 'Good, at least there it'll be harder for people to see me chasing a woman' I thought, realising how bad that would look to anyone - especially the police. After we got a couple blocks away, she turned around to see me still hot on her tail. Her eyes 'widened' and her jaw dropped a little as she realised I wasn't going to let up anytime soon and in a panic she screamed out to the sky.
"Slenda help me! Please! I don't wanna go out like this!" She yelled, she was genuinely shook up and that caught me off guard. Hearing a psychotic killer scream for help earned a chuckle from me.
"You think you deserve to be spared after what you've done?" I asked, hoping to scare her more. She yelped out again and began turning at every corner she could. It confused me, but I did my best not to lose her since that was most likely her intention. However, after a few more blocks, a light noise similar to static rang out in my head and in a blink she... 'vanished? Out of everything that's happened tonight, that was the fucking weirdest' I thought, slumping over as I caught my breath before beginning to walk away from the alleyway that she had vanished out of.

'I need to go home and relax, tonight has been too much to handle' I thought as I checked my phone to see where I was. And sure enough, I had ended up only two blocks from my house. 'I guess I'll walk back, I think I've done enough patrolling for tonight. The cops can definitely take it from here' was my final thought before I began to leave the alley.

(Time skip because I don't know how to write a walk home)

I made it to my front door and used my key to open it. I dropped them into the bowl beside my door and walked upstairs without anything else happening, thank god. But I was then surprised by a sudden sharp pain going through my hand. Looking down to see what was wrong, I saw the bandages on said hand were soaked in blood. 'No wonder I'm so tired' thought, staring at my blood soaked hand. It occurred to me that blood loss combined with lots of cardio would be tiring, but I was surprised about how awake I still felt comparatively. I decided it would be best to go to the bathroom, it would mean that I could clean out the wound and replace my bandages. Once I made it in, I undid my bandages and got out my medkit. I washed my hand in the sink to make sure the wound was clean, and then poured some hydrogen peroxide onto it. It stung, it stung a lot, but it's an antiseptic so I didn't really have a better choice. I then re-wrapped my arms and walked to my room. But was my plan to sleep?

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