Chapter 15 | A Nightmare come true

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???'s POV
Being stuck in the back of a brain is hella uncomfortable, and man oh man I do love this new freedom.

Oh hey there, readers! It's me, the demon that haunts your character's soul. 'Sup? I haven't properly introduced myself, and neither has the author, so I'll get to it. Just bear with me for this 'description' - it's gonna be awkward and weird because of reasons.

Hey there! My name is... well there's a few. There's: 'the nightmare', 'the boogeyman', 'the reaper' or some folklore shit along those lines, but I prefer to go by the first. But yeah, story of how I got here: (Y/N)'s/your dad, he, um, well... let's say 'used' him/you as an offering to me to gain some powers and other cool shit that I offered. But there was a problem, he/you was/were (technically) 'sacrificed' when he/you was/were five. "Why was that a problem?" I hear you wondering. Well it means that I can't take over this body whenever I want to, instead I have to wait for him/you to be so angry or in so much pain that he/you snaps/snap, then I get to take the wheel. It's only ever happened once before when he/you was/were ten and kept getting picked on in the schoolyard. His/your (fuck, the fourth wall makes this hard) eyes did the thing and he/you broke three kid's arms and two of their noses. When I couldn't take control anymore he/you was/were already tied up and locked in the basement with Daddio with his trusty knife and belt.

Why are you only learning this now? Well it's because the author wants your character/you to be overpowered as shit, and he thought that a really bad torture scene would be good enough to count as that little nudge that you need to 'take the first step' so you can 'unlock your true potential' or some shit. Well that, and I wanted to distract your eyeballs while I used the kid's/your body to fuck some shit up indiscriminately. Don't worry, I'll replace some of these fourth wall bricks and let you get a peek at the action.

Be seeing you ;)

3rd Person POV
After snapping your restraints, you stood up and spoke as your eyes did the 'thing' however, instead of you having white irises, they were a dark orange and the smoke was black. "W-we let who out!?" Angel asked, shaking slightly at the sight.
"yOuR wOrsT NiGhtmArE" a voice different from your own said to the group. After it finished talking, it immediately flew forward with a fist raised. It psychotically laughed all the way through the air until it's fist collided with Ann's nose with immense force, knocking her head off of her body and through the door behind her - leaving a small hole. "wHoOpsIe" it said with a snicker.
"Holy shit!" Angel exclaimed, drawing her sword.
"Dayum, Son!" Jill added, revving her chainsaw and rushing at the new you.
"PatHetIc" it said, kicking the chainsaw's flat edge and shattering its blade. "YoU gUyS neEd sOme sTronGeR ToyS" it chuckled at the stunned Jill. "sO... wHicH onE of YoU is nExT?" the new you asked with a smirk.
"Get him!" the other clown yelled, extending her nails into claws.
"R-right" the goggled girl replied, pulling out a pair of blood-stained hatchets.
"Got it" Angel added, getting into a stance with her sword. You let out a low laugh as you stood up straight and welcomingly held your arms out to the side.
"TrY mE" 'you' said cockily. On that note, the 4 standing girls all charged at once. As one hatchet span through the air towards your head, Angels swiped her sword at your legs. "ToO sLow" 'you' laughed as you jumped and spun between the two weapons and landed back on your feet.

"gOoD tR-" 'you' began, but were cut off when both clowns rushed you as the previous pair jumped back. They both swung and swiped for you together, however 'you' dodged each attack with ease. With a grunt, 'you' ducked a joint attack and grabbed both clowns by their necks. "wOw yoU AlL sUcK" 'you' said cockily as you slammed both clowns into the concrete floor, cracking it slightly and knocking them both out in the process.
"Sh-shit" Angel said, jumping back as your head came up. "Tami we gotta go!" she yelled, sheathing her sword and grabbing this 'Tami' by her wrist before pulling her out of the door and slamming it behind her.
"*Tsk* iDioTs" 'you' grunted as you stormed over to the door. Spitting some still-flowing blood out of your mouth, it landed on Ann's still twitching and headless corpse. "tHe uNfoRtunAte oNe" 'you' said, kicking the body out of the way and into a wall. Getting in front of the door, 'you' kicked it in it's centre, knocking the metal blockade out of its frame and lodging it into the opposite wall. This left a single hinge on the frame, and it was barely hanging on. Looking down at the mess, Ann's head laid on the floor and her hair covered her whole face. "I'lL tAke a TrOphY" 'you' said, picking up the severed head by the hair and slinging it over your shoulder. As 'you' walked up the stone steps, the remaining barricade was a mere wooden door. Trying to use the handle, it was evident that the door was locked, probably by the ones that escaped. After repeated attempts, 'you' eventually snapped the handle off of the door on accident. "WelL tHen, lEt's sEe hoW mUCh sTraIn tHe grOwN uP kIdDo cAn taKe" 'you' muttered, a surge of power going through you arm...

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