Chapter 18 | From an Angel to a Devil

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Angel's POV
"What the hell? That guys argues with a wall, apparently knows most of us, introduces himself and then just leaves? Tell me I'm not the only one weirded out by that" I said to everyone present as I walked to a chair and sat down.
"Absolute Chad" Jill noted.
"Completely based" Jax added.
"B-based on wh-what?" Tami asked innocently.
"It was strange, I will admit" Ann interjected. "However for a depressed person, he seemed a lot more open compared to others" Ann said, her hands folded in her lap.
"D-d-depressed? H-him? No way" Tami said, clearly not believing a single word that came from Ann's mouth.
"I'm with her" Jill said as she pointed to Tami. "He seemed pretty normal to me" she added.
"What about you, Slenda? You've known him longer than we ha- where'd she go?" I asked, seeing that Slenda was no longer in her chair.
"She said she had to check something" Ann explained. "I assume she'll be back soon" she added. Once Ann had finished speaking, Slenda had teleported herself back into her chair and sat as if she never left. Once she was back, all eyes were on her.

"Sorry about that, I feel like I needed permission this time around" Slenda said, looking down at her half-severed tentacle with a look of shame on her face.
"Permission? For what?" Jax asked, saying what we were all thinking.
"Permission to tell you his story, to explain to you what happened... and his depression..." Slenda explained, her hands resting in her lap.
"Told you" Ann interjected before Slenda could continue. Some murmurs came from everyone aside from her and Slenda afterwards.

After we had all quietened down, Slenda spoke up once again. "If you're all done, may I began?" she asked, gaining nods from me and everyone else. "Good. Now, it all started when..." Slenda began. From there she told us (Y/N)'s backstory up until he got here, not missing very many details that she knew, and answering some questions as they came up. After she had finished, Tami and Jill were crying, Jax was oddly silent and contemplative, Ann seemed to be lost in thought and I just kind of sat there.
"Then how do you explain the whole 'fireball through the house' thing?" I asked, a few holes still in the story.
"He's not explained that to anyone yet" Slenda said with a shrug. "Feel free to ask him, but don't go expecting an answer" she added.
"I'm gonna ask him" I said bluntly, and with that I turned to go find him.

(Y/N)'s POV
I was in my bathroom looking for new bandages to wrap my arm in, humming a tune as I did my best to recall where I left the first-aid kit. "Gotcha" I mumbled as I found it and pulled it out. Taking off my shirt, I looked in the mirror to see most my bandages burned off. And the ones that were left were charred black at my shoulder. "Yep... a fireball'll do that" I mumbled, taking off the last of the old material.

I continued to hum a tune as I unwrapped the roll, but as I began to wrap myself up, I heard my door burst open. "(Y/N)? You here?" I heard someone ask from my room.
"Yep, in the bathroom" I called, putting my mask on. "Don't worry, I'm not going" I added. I heard some footsteps approach and turning to my doorway I watched Angel walk in, and she had her regular pissed off look on her face. However her expression quickly changed when she realised I was shirtless.
"W-why aren't you fully dressed!?" she yelled, her face reddening in embarrassment.
"I was applying some new bandages. Why didn't you knock before coming into my room?" I retorted as I turned back to the mirror and kept doing as I intended.
"Because I wanted to talk to you" she said, putting her hands in her hips.
"And what if I was butt naked and getting dressed?" I asked, finishing wrapping one arm.
"W-well I would've, uh, ummm..." she wasn't able to find a response so I filled in the blanks for her.
"You didn't think about that being a possibility, did you?" I asked smugly.
"Sh-shut up!" she yelled at me, clearly flustered.
"But then how would I answer the question that you came here to ask me in the first place?" I questioned, a smug smile still plastered under my mask. Angel let out a low growl before speaking again.

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