Chapter 12 | A bit of renovation

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Still (Y/N)'s POV
As static overtook my vision, I felt myself lose my balance as the floor beneath me changed from my room to... my room technically. After shaking my head a little and regaining my balance, I turned to Slenda who had a light blush across her face. "Do you ever get used to the feeling?" I asked, snapping her out of her trance.
"W-well your hands are really soft so I-"
"I meant the teleporting" I said, cutting her off before she could fumble with her words any further.
"Oh. Y-yes, eventually it seems like nothing..." she said, an embarrassed look plastered into her face.
"Good to know" I said flatly as I filled the nearest backpack with clothes and set it beside my bed. "I'm gonna go grab some boxes for everything. Make yourself at home for the time being" I said, trying to be a good host.

Meanwhile, Slenda's POV
After watching (Y/N) walk out, I couldn't help but smile. 'I'm finally in his room!' I mentally exclaimed, trying to hush my excited squeals. I knew it was creepy, but I couldn't resist the urge to go through all his clothes. Well, go through them and bury my face in all of them. But whilst I was taking a whiff of one of his shirts, I heard someone cough behind me... and it seemed like I'd been caught. 'Whoopsie'.

Returning to (Y/N)'s POV
I had found a bunch of cardboard boxes that were conveniently left under the stairs. With a chuckle I bent down to pick them up. But I stopped once I heard Slenda giggling like a schoolgirl upstairs. Picking up the boxes, I silently crept back to my room to see Slenda stood in front of my closet. She was smothering herself in a green shirt of mine, repeatedly sniffing it. When she had moved it away, she had a look of pure ecstasy on her face. Then she proceeded to put another shirt over her face and continued to huff and creepily giggle into it, I leaned on my doorframe and loudly cleared my throat to get her attention. She dropped my shirt on the floor as she turned to me, her face a shade of red darker than anything I'd ever seen. "I'm assuming they smell good?" I asked jokingly. She only nodded in response, seemingly unable to find a way to respond to me. "Heh, thanks I guess" I said simply as I began to neatly place things in different boxes. Slenda silently began to fold my clothes neatly and pile them into a box. Turning to her I could tell that she was quite tense, so in an attempt to alleviate the tension I spoke up. "You know, you can sniff them if you want. I don't mind" I said semi-jokingly. Before I had even started the second sentence, I notice a smile grow across her face just before she plunged her head into the box of clothes, rocking her hips while they were in the air.

As I laughed at her actions, she pulled her head out of the box and her hands cupped her cheeks as her ecstatic look from earlier came back on to her face. But when she noticed me laughing she quickly stopped herself and regained her composure. "Sorry about that, I don't know what came over me" she said, rubbing the back of her head sheepishly.
"It's alright, I did give you permission after all" I said with a shrug as I continued to fill some boxes. Slenda simply smiled in response as she helped me pack. We continued in silence for a bit until I spoke up again. "Hey, Slenda?" I asked.
"Yes?" She responded plainly.
"What were you going to tell me this morning?" I asked her, thinking back to breakfast.
"What do you mean?" She asked, turning to me.
"We were talking about where Jackie went and how I knew she eats human organs. I said that you could look through my mind to find out where I got the information, and you were trying to say something about it before I cut you off" I explained, putting some shoes in a box.
"Oh yes! Well, it seems that your mental block had fixed itself after we'd gone to sleep. It seems the rest had let your 'wall' become mended" she explained.
"Oh, would you like access again?" I asked.
"No, that's okay. I could tell how much you were screaming in your head, not to mention how hard you began to tense up" she explained.
"If you say so" I said flatly as I grabbed some clothes out of a box as well as a pair of sneakers.

"If you'll excuse me for a second, I'm going to go change" I said as I left the room. I got out of my new vigilante attire, other than my mask, and got changed into a simple t-shirt and jeans. After I went back to the room, I was impressed to see that most of my things were packed away. "Wow. You work fast" I complimented as I walked in.
"Well when you can do what I can, things like this become much easier" Slenda said as she closed multiple boxes simultaneously with her tentacles.
"Nice" was all I said as I walked over to my bed and looked underneath it. Reaching under, I pulled out a multitude of cases that I either piled up or laid in a box.
"What're in those?" Slenda asked once I pulled them all out.
"Let's just call it... preparation" I said ominously.
"Weapons. Got it" she said, understanding what I meant.
"Well then, I think we've got everything. What did you put away while I was getting changed?" I said as I stacked all of the boxes on top of each other and picked them up.
"I have cleared out your wardrobe and every drawer, and I've placed all things fragile in that backpack" she said as she pointed to a black bag that was next to my bed.

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