Chapter 53 | Clearing things up

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Still (Y/N)'s POV
"What the fuck is going on?" Jane asked, her look of bewilderment barely masking her attempt to keep herself calm.
"I feel like I'm gonna hear that one a lot..." I groaned, still hunched over and catching my breath after my surprising energy usage. "Okay, Jane, before I can answer that I need you to answer something first" I said, now standing up straight as my breathing slowed to a normal pace once again.
"What? Why?" She responded, putting her hands on her hips while a hint of irritation made its way onto her face.
"Oh god, just throw her off the building. I'm so bored" Nightmare groaned, being as friendly and helpful as ever.
"Then I'll know how to tailor my answers to your understanding" I explained simply. "Alternatively, I could just carry on with my patrol and leave you confused" I added, hoping to present myself as having the upper hand in this situation.
"I'm caught up enough to know you're not like that" she scoffed, smiling smugly a little after she spoke.
"Well, that's a good enough place to start then" I responded, smiling under my mask as we conversed. "But seriously, I'm gonna need to know how far you're caught up so I can explain... well, everything" I explained, now picking up my weapons that I conveniently landed next to.
"I guess that's fair" she said, taking a deep breath before speaking up again. "I can't really say I'm caught up in detail, but I have a rough recollection of everything up until Slenda announced Liu joined our house. Then I saw us making out, and also me dead" she recollected, a sullen look replacing the smile she had moments before. "So yeah, bit of a mix up in the whole memory department" she added.
'This is gonna suck...' I thought, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath before beginning my explanation.

"Well, for starters, the reason there's a jumble up is..." I began, not knowing how much I should water down this tale. "It's uhh..." I continued, rubbing the back of my head in thought.
"It's okay, (Y/N)" Jane reassured, most likely noticing my distress. "I've seen so much today that, even now, I can't tell if I'm dreaming or not" she explained, a calm smile resting upon her face.
"Might as well give her the whole shabang" Nightmare suggested. "The fact that this happened means that we've really got nothin' to lose here" he added, probably in a first attempt to be supportive.
'Well we do know where a time-travelling dimension tear is...' I thought, wanting to keep a backup plan handy. 'Ah fuck it, what've we got to lose?' I asked.
"Well now you're just repeatin' me!" Nightmare exclaimed joyfully.
"Well, going from the first time we met..." I began.

From there, I proceeded to give my best summary of the events since. And dear god was it tedious. I did my best to be detailed, but I was also doing my best to not drag it on for too long. Jane politely listened for the seemingly endless amount of minutes I was speaking for, and she even asked a few questions which I appreciated. And eventually, I finished the tale up until the point I was at. 'Jesus Christ, I could make this shit into a book' I mentally groaned.
"Heheh, irony" Nightmare chuckled.
"And that's about it, sorry if that took a while" I said to Jane, ignoring Nightmare entirely. "Any other questions?" I asked, not wanting to leave her in the dark.
"Well, does anyone else know? If you know everything that you do, did you actually contact Benny? Or anyone else?" She questioned, still keeping her composure despite the bizarre nature of our conversation.
"Nope. Like I said, my plan is to let everything take its natural course. The only reason I tried Benny was because I'm confident that she stalks me in her free time" I said with a light chuckle.
"Well I knew there was someone that she liked, but I never knew you were so close" she responded, smiling a little as she spoke.

"But I do have... one other question..." Jane added shyly.
"Ask away, I think I'll head back on patrol when we're done either way" I said casually, stretching out my back.
"It's uh... how do I put this?" She mumbled, putting a hand on her chin whilst she stood still in thought. "Is it really true that everyone at home is 'interested' in you?" She asked.
"Apparently. Do you want me to show you the proposition Slenda gave me as incentive to join?" I asked, holding out my hand. "I feel like if you 'hear' it from her, the harem proposition sounds less like me trying to lie to you" I added.
"I assume if I grab that, I'll see the situation?" She asked skeptically.
"Basically, yeah" I confirmed, giving a small nod as well. "You don't have to, and I can understand your scepticism, but this really is the only way I can prove I'm telling the truth" I added, hoping context would ease the current distrust on her face. She stared at my open palm for a moment, and after a deep breath she spoke up.
"I'll give that a pass. I've had enough memory encounters for one day, and I'm caught up enough to know I can trust what you tell me" she stated warmly, flashing a cute smile upon finishing her sentence.

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