Chapter 14 | The after-show and the others

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Still (Y/N)'s POV
As Clockwork dove at me, I dive-rolled out of the way to avoid her. I stood up again to see Clockwork looking at me with a look of incredible lust and significant irritation. "YOUR ASS IS MINE!" she yelled as she rushed towards me. I dodged and weaved, doing my best not to hurt her as a reflex.
"Holy fuck you're fast" I panted, causing her to smirk. Her hair was covering most of her face as she continuously grabbed and lunged for me, however the ticking noise of her eye was gradually slowing down despite its volume. After constant dodging and attacking, I slipped. And then immediately got pinned to the ground.
"*pant* *pant* I gotchuuuuuu~" she said as she was straddling me, now holding both of my wrists together above my head.
"I guess you did" I said, trying my best to wriggle out of her grip. That, and trying avoid thinking about the soft weight pressing down on my crotch.
"And guess what?" she asked, using her free hand to apply more force on my chest. Now holding me down even harder.
"W-what?" I responded anxiously.
"I think I should get a reward for catching you~" she cooed in my ear.
"A-and that would be?" I asked, trying to stall her until her tick ended.
"Nothing much, just a view... and something a little more~" she said, a devious smirk growing across her face as she took the hand off of my chest and reached for my mask.

I tried to use this as a chance to get out from under her, however she had me pinned down with an unbelievable amount of force. In the blink of an eye she had pulled my mask down and cradled my left cheek with her hand, her eyes flashing up and down as if she was scanning my whole face. The whole time she had a psychotic smile on her face, only now she was giggling to her self while biting her lip and grinding her waist against mine - much against my own volition. I opened my mouth to protest, but before I could even get a word out she had smashed her lips against mine. My eyes went wide as I did my best to wriggle away from her, however she held my body still with one hand and kept my face still with her other. I tried to use my own hands to move her off of me, but she wouldn't even budge an inch. Eventually I gave up on trying to remove her and I let my hands rest still, causing her lips to curl into a smile against mine. I felt her tongue press against my closed mouth, as if she was knocking to get permission to enter. Giving in, and hoping to pass this with consensual my virginity intact, I closed my eyes and sank into the kiss and went along with what she was doing. Our tongues fought for dominance for a short time and in the end, she won.

However, the kiss was cut short by the ticking sound of a clock eventually coming to a halt. I opened my eyes to see Clockwork slowly open hers, only to have a look of shock appear on her face when she realised how close we were to each other... and that she was straddling me. She jumped off of me immediately and began to panic like crazy. I got up and walked over to her, giving her a comforting hug to which she returned. "What... did I do to you?" she asked worriedly.
"Nothing harmful, we made out a little but that's all" I said reassuringly.
"*gasp!* I'm so sorry, (Y/N)!" she said as she broke from the hug as she was bright red, backing up a little.
"It's okay" I said as I pulled up my mask. "I kinda liked it..." I added quietly as I rubbed the back of my head sheepishly. Clockwork blushed a deeper red at my comment and mumbled something that I could hear under her breath. "Say again?" I questioned.
"N-nothing!" she blurted out.
"Really?" I asked, arching a eyebrow.
"R-really! I swear!" she said, raising her hands as if she was surrendering.
"Hmm... Alright then" I said with a shrug. Clockwork let out a sigh of relief as I stepped out of the ring. "Do me a favour and just ask for a kiss next time, 'kay?" I said with a wink as I left the room. I could hear her try and find some sort of response in a mass of stuttering and attempts at sentences, causing me to laugh a little.

As I rounded the corner, I immediately dropped to the ground. I fell to my knees with a mighty *THUD*, clutching my 'boys' in pain. 'Balls... so blue...' I mentally groaned, barely keeping it together against the migraine within my sack. 'Gotta... get to my room...' I thought, wanting to get rid of this unholy pain as fast as possible. I hobbled down the halls, avoiding everyone possible to keep this issue to myself. And after a number of minutes, I got to my room and locked the door. 'I'm doing this in the bathroom' I thought, hobbling across my carpeted floor.

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