Chapter 63 | New revelations

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Still (Y/N)'s POV
"Suicide Sadie?" I asked, my Creepypasta knowledge running through my mind.
"Just 'Sadie' is fine thank you" she stated, landing in front of me. "There's no reason to remind me of how I died" she added, mildly upset.
"Oh, I'm sorry" I apologised, adding a quick bow for sincerity's sake.
"It's quite alright" she said kindly, stepping forward and holding into my arm. "After all, you and I are kindred spirits" she stated, tracing her finger down my forearm and my hand.
"Yeah... I guess so..." I agreed solemnly. "So, anyway, *cough cough*" I began, clearing my throat before changing the subject. "How did you get kidnapped if you're a ghost?" I asked, gently pulling my arm away.
"It was intentional" she stated, holding her hands behind her back.
"Well it certainly didn't look that way" I noted with a chuckle, remembering how she was fist fighting the guards in the hidden room.
"I'm glad my acting skills haven't gone to waste" she responded, giggling a little herself. "My plan was to get in, kill every guard and the boss, then free the captives" she explained.
"But it looks like I beat you to it" I said, feeling somewhat dizzy. "Oh man, I lost so much blood..." I muttered, clutching my stomach wound as I knelt down on the cold concrete.

"You certainly did a lot down there. Especially for a human..." Sadie commented. "Most of your kind would be dead after all of that damage" she added.
"Well, I'm certainly not like other humans" I stated, my demonic voice fading in and out. 'That's not good...' I thought.
"I'd have to be blind to not notice that much" she said simply. "But regardless, you're good in my books" she complimented, making me smile weakly under my mask.
"Heh, thanks" I said appreciatively.
"Thank you for the help. I didn't need it, but it's good to see people doing the right thing" she responded happily, crouching down in front of me as she spoke.
"Someone's gotta" I stated simply, trying to breathe through the sudden wave of pain that just hit me.

"Hey. I've got a question..." I began, looking up at Sadie as I spoke.
"Go for it, consider it my method of thanks" Sadie stated, crouching down in front of me.
"You hunt down abusers, right?" I asked, recalling some heart wrenching details.
"Correct" she responded simply.
"Ever hear about those two guys?" I began. "The one's who kidnapped, murdered and probably raped like 15 kids?" I asked, doing my best to not think about my sister's involvement. Sadie clenched her fist at the mention, and took a deep breath before speaking up.
"Yeah, I know about those two" she stated angrily. "Ten years ago. 17 kidnapped, raped, murdered and filmed. Two perpetrators arrested and given three life sentences" she ranted, biting her finger in anger. "But they had connections. I never found out if it was a part of a larger organisation, or if they got out, or anything" she explained.

"There's more of them?" I asked, my pain subsiding and being slowly replaced with rage.
"I think so, but it's just a theory..." Sadie admitted.
"Where are they?" I asked, weakly standing up as I clenched my fists in anger.
"Like I said, it's just a theo-"
"Those bastards took someone close away from me" I stated, cutting Sadie off. "I was eight years old when we lost her. And I'll be damned if I let them do anything to anyone else" I declared, quite literally shaking in anger.
"I'm... I'm so sorry" Sadie said comfortingly, standing up and putting a hand on my shoulder. "Here" she said simply, reaching into my coat and grabbing my pen and a sticky note. "These places are the only leads I've got" she explained, scribbling two addresses down. "Feel free to check them out, but don't go expecting too much" she stated, handing the pen and paper back to me. She turned around and began to walk in the other direction, but before she floated away I called out to her.
"Thank you!" I called, making her turn back and smile at me.
"No problem, hero" she said sweetly, now floating away towards Devil's Woods.

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