Chapter 75 | Altercation-Provocation

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Still (Y/N)'s POV
"I'll need to be prepared for anything" I stated ominously, my mind flashing back to my previous less-than-savoury experience in Zalga's territory.
"Really? 'Anything'?" Smiley asked skeptically as she and Lazari followed me down the alleyway.
"Most certainly" I confirmed, my demeanour coming off much more serious than before.
"Oh c'mon, (Y/N), it's not that dangerous-"
"For you two, maybe" I interrupted. "Let's not forget what happened the last time I was there, Lazari. Remember what I told you?" I added, referring back to our time in the cafeteria.

The surrounding streets fell silent after I finished talking, and there was certainly a thick tension in the air as Lazari looked to the ground in shame. "I'm... sorry-"
"Don't" I interrupted harshly, turning around to face the pair. Smiley certainly looked more confused than anything, but Lazari looked as if she was on the verge of tears. After noticing the sadness in her eyes, I let out a sigh of defeat. "It's not your fault, I'm sorry for talking to you like that" I said sincerely, taking a few steps closer. Lazari shyly looked down to her feet, but this gave me an opportunity to try and make her feel better. Outstretching my hand, and earning a nod from Smiley, I gave Lazari some gentle pats on the head. This certainly caught her by surprise, as shown by the quiet squeak she let out as she tensed up a little. "Forgive me?" I asked, causing her to look up at me as she held my hand on her head.
"...yeah" she agreed shyly, averting her gaze as she spoke.
"Promise?" I asked, wanting to ensure there was no bad blood between us.
"As long as you promise to give me some more head pats" she replied smugly, a cheeky grin plastered across her face as she held my hand on her head.
"Done and done" I agreed, ruffling her hair before turning back around. 'As nice as Lazari is, I miss Sally...' I thought solemnly, silently reminiscing on how Sally's face would light up when I used to pat her head.

I remained close to silent for the rest of the walk home, only speaking when spoken to as I remained deep in thought. Zalga's plan had gone through minimal development as my school day progressed, and I was too stuck in my own head to contribute anything useful. Ever since Smiley had sewn up my wound and I left her office, I had been plagued by a strong emotional and physical dread. I had initially assumed it was because I had returned to school, but after some thinking I had decided that it couldn't be for a reason so trivial. 'Is it grief? Am I processing Nightmare's 'death'?' I wondered, trying to compare it in my head to my sister's death. 'No, her death resulted in a lot more... crying on my end' I determined, crossing that option off of my list. 'Is it shock? Am I coming to terms with the whole time travel situation?' I thought, furrowing my brow in frustration as I racked my mind for answers. 'Can't be. As weird as it is to think, I've been oddly comfortable with all this paranormal BS ever since I met Slenda' I understood, deciding that wasn't the cause either.

'Then what could it-'
"Watch out!" Lazari exclaimed from behind me, a strong force yanking me back by my backpack. I was snapped back to reality, and as my eyes looked ahead I saw that I was mere inches away from getting slammed by a semi-truck. I stumbled back and tripped over my own feet, landing square on my butt as I continued to stare forward with a blank expression. "Are you okay!?" Lazari asked, evidently panicked by the situation.
"I'm fine" I said quietly, more ashamed than anything. 'Eighteen years old and still can't cross the road? Even a chicken's got me beat when I'm this weak...' I mentally sighed, blaming my present lack of power for this simple mistake. "Thanks for the save" I added, realising that if I was alone then I would've become a street-pancake.
"You're welcome" Dr Smiley said flatly, now walking into view. "Gonna stand up yet? Or do you prefer sitting in an alleyway puddle?" She added, nodding towards Lazari who had a hand outstretched and ready to help me up.

With a sigh of shame, I took Lazari's hand and rose to my feet. "Sorry about that, I was... thinking" I said vaguely.
"We get it" Smiley stated simply, stepping closer and stalking past Lazari.
"You've got a lot gonna your plate right now, so we understand" Lazari added, taking a step back as the doctor leaned in close.
"I can see it in your eyes" Smiley whispered. "I understand that you may be depressed, but while you house the Mistress I cannot allow you to be harmed" she continued, her diagnosis sending a shiver down my spine. "That includes suicide" she added, now leaning away.
"You're a bit close, dontcha think?" I joked as she backed away, hoping to ease the tension in the air.
"After you two separate, commit to whatever you want. By then, I'll likely have forgotten you either way" Dr Smiley declared, her ice cold gaze and tone piercing through my heart like a dagger.
"Damn, guess that explains why you've been friendly from the get go" I muttered, speaking quieter than normal but still loud enough to be heard.
"Professional courtesy. Initially for Laz, but further for the Mistress" The Doctor elaborated.
"Tch, shoulda guessed as much..." I grumbled in frustration, pushing past the pair as I proceeded home. "C'mon, if you want your oh so precious Mistress back then we better get a move on" I said over my shoulder as I carelessly crossed the street.

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