Chapter 62 | Murder on the dance floor

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Still (Y/N)'s POV
"Kill that diavolo!" Luca yelled from the darkness, his voice booming from the speakers. I quickly shielded my eyes from the lights above, but in my attempt to look around I was met with an unsurprising ambush from the smoke. I quickly moved my hand back to grip the katana, but before I could even raise the weapon I was met with a barrage of attacks. The second my hand had moved, I was quickly stabbed in my right shoulder. I couldn't tell how big the wound was, since that attack was almost immediately followed up by something hard slamming into my ribs. I was worried that something may have broke, but that fear was confirmed when another, separate blunt weapon struck my wrist. I felt a crack, and the weapon in my hand was flung off into the smoke and darkness.

Despite my wrist being unwillingly bent on the wrong direction, as the katana violently skidded across the floor I felt nothing but relief fill my body. A smile crept its way onto my face as a baseball-bat-wielding guard ran at me, his weapon raised high. I weakly held my hands out to the side welcomingly, and before long he brought his wooden bat down over my head with all of his strength. Even over the smoke machine's violent hissing, and the somewhat faint music of the main room, the mighty *SNAP* from the bat breaking over my head was easy to hear. I began to bleed profusely and, as I felt blood pour down my face and soak into my hair and mask, I felt the last bits of consciousness I had slowly slip away. There was only one emotion that I could feel as I was resigned to only watching myself move.


My brain had seemingly switched off by this point. My moral compass had been thrown away, and my initial heroic goal was no longer in the front or back of my mind. I just wanted to rip and tear the men before me to pieces, and I wanted Luca to watch before he had his turn. Before I could react, another knife came from the smoke and I was once again stabbed. This time, it was my left shoulder - but from the front side. I quickly grabbed my attacker by the forearm with my left hand, quickly spinning around to face him head on. We soon locked eyes before I punched him with my free hand, and he began to fall back. I caught him before he hit the ground, and I kept my grip as his arm remained at a full extension. I began to laugh as I gripped his bicep with my free hand, a familiar feeling washing over me. With as much force as I could muster, I snapped his elbow over my leg. The bones of his forearm immediately penetrated his skin, and with a psychotic laugh I drove those bones through this man's right eye and into his head.

After this, the red tint of my vision had darkened somewhat. I couldn't tell if it was from my blood or not, but since it seemed to offset the blinding effect of the neon lights around me I didn't feel the need to question it. Ripping the knife out of my front, I felt the warm feeling of blood coat my chest as I quickly spun back to the bat wielder. I held the knife out as I span, and because of this the guard's throat was slit whilst he attempted another attack. I threw the knife into another rushing guard, and it quickly sunk between his eyes as I picked up the mostly broken bat. I once again swung out as I spun around, and the frayed end of the bat sliced the cheek of a guard behind me. He recoiled at the attack, holding his bleeding cheek as he stumbled back. This didn't matter much, since I quickly followed up by jumping and slamming the bat down over his head. This resulted in the splintering end shredding his face and eyes as it made contact, and him being rendered unrecognisable and unable to fight.

I was still stood in the spotlight for all of this, and as I slowly looked around I noticed that there were no more targets approaching. My psychotic laughter then died down, eventually ending in a laugh that was almost done for the sake of mockery. "What's wrong, guys!?" I asked, holding my arms out once again. "Don't tell me you're afraid now!" I added, nonchalantly tossing the broken weapon off into the darkness. I waited a few more seconds, but I was quickly annoyed at the lack of response. With an upset huff, I casually ripped the knife out of my other shoulder and flipped it a few times before an idea came to mind. With a small giggle, I tossed the knife up at the roof. I heard a small metallic crunch, and with a smile I took a short step left as one of the neon lights above violently slammed down beside me.

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