Chapter 57 | Rekindling something lost

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Still (Y/N)'s POV
"Kick some fucking ass" the mysterious voice said, it's tone now changing to glee and smugness. My head shot up and my eyes widened as a psychotic smile made its way onto my face under my mask. Seconds before the tentacle was about to hit me, I watched Slenderwoman flinch at my sudden change and I took the chance to turn the tables. I wildly flung my head to the side, shaking my mask loose and revealing my face as it fell around my neck. And then I brought my head back down and caught Slenderwoman's attack by biting down on the side of her tentacle, causing her to yelp out in pain. This wasn't enough to give me the edge I needed however, so I had to step it up a notch. I quickly followed up by twisting my hands inward and grabbing onto the two appendages that impaled my hands, the sudden change causing Slenderwoman to let out yet another noise of pain. With as much might as I could muster in my damaged state, I pulled her towards me as forcefully as possible. She quickly left the ground and slammed back first into the alter beside me, letting out no more than a small yelp before she bounced off of the wood and hit the floor with a mighty thud.

I felt that all muscle tension within her tentacles had ceased, so I slowly got up to look at the situation. As I stood up, I felt the tentacle in my leg limply fall out as I watched the ones in my hands do the same. Within mere seconds, I came back to my full senses I was sent into an immediate state of panic. I quickly jumped off of the stage, and much to my horror there was a small pool of blood building around Slenda's head. I looked back to where she had hit the stage, and I immediately noticed there was a black blood splatter on the edge not far from the altar. 'Oh shit, she must've hit her head!' I mentally panicked, realising the severity of the situation. I quickly rushed to her side, propping her head up on my lap before panicking again. 'WHAT DO I DO IN THIS SITUATION!?' I mentally exclaimed, hoping for Nightmare to chime in with his ever helpful advice.

Before anything else could transpire, I looked down to Slenda's face and it filled me with both relief and worry. She was breathing somewhat heavily, but at the very least she was still breathing. I looked up the the ceiling before taking a deep breath, and I spoke up ever so quietly. "Okay. No more fighting. I can fix this, she'll be okay" I said, doing my best to calm myself down. I brought my attention back to Slenda as I felt her blood soak into my pants, so taking a deep breath I tried to calmly analyse the situation before taking any action. I gently patted different parts of her head, doing my best to locate where about the injury was before moving forward.

After a few seconds, I found that there was a somewhat deep gash that went across the side of her head and ever so slightly came out onto her forehead. "I'm sorry" I whispered, swallowing the ball in my throat before continuing. "I never meant for things to turn out like this, I promise" I added, picking Slenda up and propping her up against the stage so I could see her injury in the light of the window. Thankfully, it didn't look as deep as I had initially thought, which caused me to let out a sigh of relief before carrying on. I quickly took my jacket off tossed it onto the stage before I unbuttoned my waistcoat and discarded it and my shirt in a similar fashion. Drawing my knife, I cut the few remaining clean layers off of my bandage-undershirt and tied a few of their ends together to make one long bandage. I then quickly tied this makeshift bandage around Slenda's head a few times, which was surprisingly difficult to do whilst I held her hair out of the way.

After a few moments, her wound was fully bandaged and after a quick check I didn't find any other injuries that needed attending to. I breathed another sigh of relief before sitting on the stage beside the unconscious Slenda, I looked over at her and I was once again struck by a wave of emotion. My eyes drifted over to her scattered splatters and pools of blood, and I felt my stomach turn as my mind flashed back once again. Seeing her black blood soaked into the floorboards, into my clothes and into my bandages only further reminded me of how I witnessed my Father plunge his hand through Slenda, only for him to rip it back out covered in the very same blood. The thought of it, it made me feel sick. It made me want to cry. It made me mad. It made me...

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