Chapter 46 | Like Father like Son

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Still (Y/N)'s POV

My eyes widened at the noise, and the villainous smirk, that followed my father gripping onto Jill's neck with such force that he snapped it in two immediately. He had done it. He had done something I knew was possible, but didn't truly fathom as an outcome of today's 'encounter'.

He had killed her.

He swiftly discarded her now limp body and tossed it far off into the distance, but before I could even form a reaction something strange began to occur. With a maniacal cackle my father raised his stump to the stormy sky, and with him gripping just below his 'opening' lighting flashed and struck him directly on on his wound. I jumped back in worry and for my own safety, but what I saw took me by surprise more than anything else in my life. As the flash cleared and I was able to lock my eyes on my opponent once more, I watched as he did some light stretching... and he had a brand new arm.

"Muuuuuch better..." he said, rolling his shoulder. "What? You surprised, son?" He asked, clearly noting the bewilderment on my face.
"I've got a lot of questions for you, old man..." I mumbled, reaching for my sword.
"Ya ever hear the phrase 'an eye for an eye'?" He asked, winding his new arm a little before drawing a combat knife. "Well this time, it was simply a neck for an arm. Less of a ring to it, sure, but now that's one less bitch for you to look after so I expect a 'thank you'" he said cockily.
"Oh you'll get your thanks alright..." I began, readying myself and getting into a stance. "When I cut your fucking head off!" I yelled, tears streaming down my face as I darted forward.
"That's my boy!" He responded psychotically, lunging forward as well.

I brung my sword down using as much force as possible, but somehow he managed to match my power with just a knife. I didn't have time to waver though, instead I kicked the side of his knee in a solid attempt to give me some ground. Unfortunately for me, he had the same idea. As both of our feet collided with out targets simultaneously, we both ended the clash between our weapons and dropped down to one knee. I watched him smile as he prepared another attack, but I decided to play it safe. He swiftly swung his knife towards my neck, but I dropped to my back and kicked him in the balls with both of my feet. With this, I managed to dodge the attack, hit him, and send myself along the mud to give myself a bit of much needed breathing room.

I quickly jumped up and got my defence ready, but much to my dismay so did my Father. "Not a bad hit, Junior... not bad at all" he complemented, another flash of lightning crashing just to the side of him. "If I wasn't wearing a cup, that probably would've done something" he added cockily, patting himself on the crotch.
"I'm gonna fucking kill you..." I mumbled, raising my sword.
"Enough of that" he said simply, swiping his hand left, and in turn somehow throwing the sword from my grip and into the darkness of the forest. "I don't remember raisin' an edge-lord, that ain't cool" he comment, shaking his head.
"Bastard..." I groaned, finally piecing together that he definitely was more than human by now. "Don'tcha think it's a bit unfair to fight your unarmed son with a knife?" I asked, hoping to word my way onto even ground.
"Not really" he said with a shrug. "I broke a whiskey bottle over yer head cuz you wouldn't put it in the trash, ya really think I consider this too far?" He asked, waving the knife a little.
"Guess not..." I admitted, still trying to think of a way out.

"Just give up, son" he said simply. "If yer worried about leaving the ladies, no need..." he continued. "DaDdY'lL sEnd AlL o' y'AlL tO heLl!" He declared evilly, his voice becoming something else entirely.
"Damn, pops..." I said simply, standing up normally now. "You really are a giant prison wallet, huh?" I said, deciding that let him toy with my emotions wasn't a good idea.
"You little shit..." he grumbled, clenching his fists at my comment.
"The insult wasn't even that good and you got him like this? What a fuckin' man-baby" Nightmare commented, much to my own enjoyment. "But maybe we can use this, if he keeps gettin' mad, then maybe-"
'Waaaaaay ahead of you, buddy' I interrupted smugly, now stretching my back out as my opponent angrily glared at me.
"What the fuck are you doing?" He asked, sounding only lightly frustrated now.
"What's it look like? I'm stretching" I responded simply. "Nightmare did some analysis and declared you as a 'non-threat', so I have no reason to be taking this as serious as I was" I continued smugly.
"He WHAT!?" He yelled angrily, clearly frustrated.
"Yeah, I know right?" I responded kindly. "I personally thought you were doing a great job, but Nighty over here said that you're such a dumbass that you can't even use your powers to their full extent" I continued, smiling smugly under my mask as I watched his eye twitch in irritation.
"Bullshit. Absolute BULLSHIT!" He yelled, clearly defending some sort of insecurity that I managed to tug at. "How do I know you're not fucking with me!?" He continued, standing up straight and pointing his knife towards me as he spoke. "I raised a piece of shit for a reason! Bullshit you ain't lyin' to me!" He added, at this point just throwing a tantrum.

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