Chapter 47 | Clean slate

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Still (Y/N)'s POV
I embraced the Rake tight as I readied my body for this heavenly strike, hoping to protect at least someone after all that had happened. As I felt tears well up in my eyes, I looked up to see Sally and Benny, my first two friends, let down by me for the last time. As tears fell from my cheeks and landed on the now burning carpet, I cried out to them in sorrow. "I'm sorr-" *BOOM*. I was interrupted by the godly might of this lighting strike, and that was the last they would see of me...

"HOLYFUCKINGSHITFUCKWHATTHESHITBALLS!?" I yelled, immediately jumping to my feet and getting in a defensive stance. My eyes darted around where I awoke, my brain seemingly on combat autopilot. "Wait, what...?" I questioned, my arms slowly lowering as I looked down to see I was now stood on my bed. Well...

My old bed at least.

"How the fuck am I in my house?" I mumbled, hopping off of the bed and landing on the hardwood floor. "Last thing I remember, I got my legs sliced up and then I was struck by lightning..." I said, thinking aloud as I stroked my chin. I turned around to see my somewhat unkept bed, my pillows were mildly askew and the covers were neat up until the halfway point where they had been flipped and twisted. "Was it all just a dream?" I questioned, my mind thinking of a million things at once. I looked to down at myself to see I was in just a hoodie and some baggy shorts, the clothes that I considered to be my staple pyjamas. "But... it couldn't've been" I mumbled, patting myself down in the hopes I'd find out that I was dreaming. As I was in the process of checking myself out, I ended up tugging on my shorts and accidentally pulled a bandage alongside with it. I felt this tug on the back of my leg, causing me to grunt lightly in pain.

I looked over my shoulder and down my back to see what it was, but I was both shocked and relieved to finally realise that most of my body was covered in bandages. "Okay, we're getting at least somewhere with this..." I mumbled, rolling up my sleeves as I walked over to my door. I analysed myself to see that the bandages were all the way up my arms and covered my whole chest, meaning that my bandage habit wasn't something I just dreamt up. I scratched my head in confusion, but as I looked at my door properly I stopped dead in my tracks. My stained oak door looked the same as when I left it, but what surprised me was that the door was open ever so slightly...

And my vigilante coat was hung up on the corner.

In a moment of shock and awe, my hand subconsciously moved and felt the coat. My hand touched its centre back, and upon realising what I was doing, I pinched the material and rubbed it between my fingers to see if it felt like I remembered. It did for the most part, but there was something different about it that I couldn't quite pinpoint. I let go to try and investigate the situation further, and as I did I heard some light crumbling. I got a closer look at the coat and realised that there was a large amount of dried mud stuck to it, some patches much thicker than others. "And before that night I met Slenda, this never left my closet" I mumbled, grabbing it and tossing it over my shoulder as I opened my bedroom door. "Either way, it reeks and needs a wash" I stated as I stepped into my home's carpeted hall. "Well if I really am home, then I better see if the rest is the same as I left it" I said, thinking aloud yet again.

I did a quick peek in and out of my parent's and sister's rooms, and I saw that nothing was out of place. "I'm so confused..." I said, rather loud, as I got to the top of my stairs before heading down.
"Oh good! You're awake!" An unfamiliar feminine voice called from what I assumed was the kitchen. "I was about to come and try to wake you again, but since you're up on your own I won't need to worry anymore" she explained. "Could you please come down and help me out? I'm in the kitchen" she asked politely.
"Uhhh... s-sure..." I responded sceptically, slowly backing up into my room.
"Thank you, honey!" She called out lovingly as I swiped my stiletto off of my desk.
"My pleasure" I returned, doing my best to act normal as I pocketed the weapon on my way down the stairs.

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