Chapter 36 | Twas the Night of Christmas...

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Third Person POV
"Sym... bol..." you said, falling forward and out of Ann's arms as you spoke.
"(Y/N)!" Ann and Slenda exclaimed, while Jess and Sally weren't surprised they also rushed to your aid regardless.
"What happened!?" Slenda yelled, catching you with her tentacles before you hit the floor.
"Oh yeah, you were still blasted off your tits when your 'huzband' kicked down the front door and passed out" Jess said, reliving whatever happened those ten minutes ago.
"My... what?" Slenda asked, putting you on the bed next to Liu's.
"You teleported downstairs when I called out and said, and I quote, 'omi gosh, iss my huzband~' and then you teleported up here and fell asleep with your present, you're welcome by the way" Jess explained.
"That was from you? You definitely won Secret Santa..." Sally mumbled in defeat.
"I can get you one if you want" Jess said kindly.
"Really? Yes plea-"
"Girls, focus, if we can get him to recover then you won't need a pillow" Slenda cut in.
"I call dibs on first cuddles!" Jess and Sally said in sync, raising their hands.

"Ignoring them... Ann, what's wrong with him?" Slenda asked as the pair bickered behind her.
"I'm not sure, but he's burning up and his pulse is incredibly high" Ann commented, feeling your forehead with the back of her right hand as she felt the pulse in your neck with her left.
"Is it similar to Liu?" Slenda asked, the concern in her voice growing by the second.
"Not sure, I forgot to take her temperature" Ann said with a sigh, cringing about forgetting procedure.
"Shit..." Slenda mumbled, biting her finger in frustration. "Jess? Sally? Any idea what caused this?" Slenda asked, getting their attention and making their argument stop on the spot.
"Check his right side" Sally said, remembering the side you grabbed when you fell in the hall.
"On that fleshy part in between the hip and the ribs" Jess added, noting where you gripped on your body.
"Thank you" Ann said, taking off your body armour after unbuttoning your waistcoat. "Holy-"
"Shit!" Everyone else exclaimed.

As your shirt was rolled up, the four in the room got a view of what was causing your issue. An inch and a half deep and four inches in diameter, there was a hole that was the colour of the night sky in your side with demonic black, vine-like tendrils spewing out. They had evidently shredded the majority of your bandages before latching onto your torso in both wavy and branch-like patterns, some reaching as far as to just beneath your collar bone. As you laid there unconscious, three of the ladies stood in awe of your injury (and body) whilst Ann was doing her best to administer some pain reliever serum before plugging you into a cardiograph and an IV drip of your own. Your heartbeat, much like Liu's, had skyrocketed to a concerning level. Ann did her best to whip up a sedative, similar to the one you gave Liu, whilst the others worried and did their best to figure out how to fix your new injury.

Meanwhile, from (Y/N)'s POV
Groggily getting up, I looked around to see that I was no longer in the mansion once again. I was back in the plane of my own mind, but it wasn't the same as it usually was. "GlAd yOu'rE nOt a tOtaL mOrOn, kiDdO" a familiar voice said as an equally familiar sound of heels knocking came from behind me and stopped at my left. Turning to face them, I wasn't surprised to see Nightmare in his suit once again.
"Lookin' fresh, my guy" I complimented, hoping for him to be on my side. Considering how he hadn't tried to attack me outright, I assumed that my chances were higher than usual.
"I'd sAy thE sAme iF yOu werEn'T sTilL coVeRed iN dIrt aNd BlOoD" Nightmare responded with a smug smile.
"Yeah, this needs a wash" I admitted, looking down at my dishevelled self and chuckling a little. "So, care to explain where we are?" I asked, doing my best to be prepared for a sudden attack of some kind.
"wHeRe tO stArT..." Nightmare began, stroking his chin. "WeLl, fiRsT oF alL, tHiS spaCe iS aN oDd coMbO oF yoUr oWn mInD anD a deMoniC poSsesSioN heAdSpaCe" he explained, doing his best to cater to my level of understanding.
"But the question of the hour is: who's possession is it?" I asked, and as I finished we watched as walls that looked like that of a very familiar castle began to form in a half mile long and high box with us in the centre. The bricks themselves were black, and the cement that held them together was a glowing red.
"Wow. No looks, no brains and no control? Bad luck, Nighty" a familiar feminine voice rang out around our new space.
"Yet I managed to exploit a mental weakness in one of your proxies, knock out another and escape your castle. On my first attempt, I'd like to add" I retorted, wanting to defend my intelligence from the queen demon who I saw was now situated at the centre of one of the walls. As we looked towards her, something along the lines of a coloured hologram showed she was sat on a throne of blades atop her wall. As she scoffed at my response, we watched as armoured guards with bows and swords began to more or less spawn in and line the perimeter of the entire arena.
"'And might I add I love this new body of yours~'" Nightmare quoted, doing a perfect impression of Zalga from our first interaction.
"Ugh, I hate you both..." Zalga groaned.
"No you don't" Nightmare and I said in sync, punctuating our sentence with a shared smile and a small fist bump.

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