Chapter 73 | Under the radar

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Still (Y/N)'s POV
'I hope the Vigilante knows what he's doing is good. I'll be forever thankful for what he did' the article read, putting a smile on my face. The statement apparently came from a mother, who had been worrying for a week about her missing daughter. 'The police were ready to give up, and my baby was still missing' the statement read. 'But, as if the lord had heard my prayers, she was found. And the angels had protected her from harm' the mother was quoted. I chuckled a little at the irony, since my powers that helped everyone were certainly more unholy. After reading the rest of the article, I learnt that my 'night out' had resulted in the finding of 38 women who had been reported as missing in the past few months. While I was still upset at the fact that I had committed several counts of murder, the knowledge that I had saved innocents and likely prevented further trafficking most certainly softened the blow.

I turned my phone off after I finished reading the article, and promptly flopped back onto the bed. "I have so many mixed emotions about this..." I sighed. "On the one hand..." I began, holding my blackened left hand up and into view. "I don't like the idea of killing. Hell, my first patrol started and ended with me stopping a murder" I reminisced, thinking back to my first fight with Jess. "It's gross, it's messy, not to mention illegal, and if I ever got caught... I know my government allowance certainly won't get me a good lawyer" I muttered, stifling a small laugh as I finished. I let out a quiet *sigh* as I dropped my left hand beside me, thinking hard about both sides of my own argument.

"And on the other hand..." I continued, now raising my right hand into view. "I know my intentions, and any killings done by me would be for the safety of the innocent... right?" I muttered, a new question coming to mind. "But... am I fit to judge? I may suit the role of an executioner, but I'm no judge and I'm certainly not a jury" I continued as ideas swirled around in my mind. "I may know my intentions, but how do I know others don't have the same?" I pondered, sitting back up. "What if- Ow shit..." I self-interrupted, a sudden pain shooting through my side.

"Oh yeah, that" I chuckled, looking down at my bandaged wound. "Probably should've gotten that sealed..." I muttered, swinging my legs off of the bed and cautiously rising to my feet. A sharp pain shot through my wound as a stood up, causing me to drop to my knees and clutch it tightly. "Sonova..." I groaned, stumbling forward after trying to stand back up. 'I hope she won't mind sewing me up' I thought, gently pulling the curtain towards me. As I drew the curtain back, I opened my mouth to speak but stopped upon seeing the door violently swing open. A familiar trio sauntered into the room, and open recognising them I quickly dropped onto all fours and out of view. I scuttled under the bed upon noticing the wealth of free space, but I kept low to the ground so I could see all six of their legs under the bedskirt.

"Yo, Doc!" (B/N) called out, looking around the room. "Get me some bandages, wouldja?" He requested rudely. Based off of the silence of the room, and how all three athletes were still shuffling in their circle, I had assumed that Dr Smiley was nowhere to be seen.
'Please just leave, please just leave' I mentally chanted, crossing my fingers as I repeated myself.
"I don't think she's here, dude" one of the goons stated.
"Man, this fuckin' blows" (B/N) grumbled. "Where the fuck else is a nurse meant to be anyway?" He asked, only to receive some indiscriminate murmurs from his buddies. "*sigh* Well whatever..." he grumbled, turning back towards the door.

"Hold on a sec" the second goon said, stopping the other two from leaving.
"What?" The first goon asked impatiently as he and (B/N) turned back around.
"Ain't this the new girl? Her name's like, Lazuli or something right?" The second goon pointed out, shifting the boys attention to the sleeping girl beside them.
"Oh shit! It is!" The first goon exclaimed excitedly.
"Damn, she is fine" (B/N) commented lecherously, resulting in a pit quickly forming in my stomach. The tone he spoke in filled me with an almost indescribable feeling of dread and, given the context, my mind was sent hurtling back to the night of Sally's almost-assault. Before I had noticed, I found myself unconsciously crawling towards the group as they began to all stand beside Lazari's bed. I had tuned out what they were saying for most of my 'travel', but once I was a mere two beds away I heard (B/N) say something that shook me to my core.

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