Chapter 23 | A strange turn of events

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Still (Y/N)'s POV
As Jess's knife lodged in the wall behind me, I stopped trying to be simple in my attempt to help. 'Guess there's no way to half-ass this' I thought. "Jess..." I began, taking a step towards her.
"Stay away!" She screamed, tears streaming down her face as she threw all of the contents of her desk at me. She didn't even unsheathe any of her knives, it was just cases, a keyboard and a mouse.
"Hey, hey. Calm down, Jess. It's okay" I said in a soft tone, despite my voice still being demonic.
"G-get away, (Y/N)!" She yelled.
'So she knows it's me, was she having a nightmare about something I've done?' I wondered.
"Please! D-don't kill me! I'm s-sorry for everything!" She cried, covering her face with her hands and crouching low with her head looking down.
"Hey, c'mon now" I said, stepping closer. "It's okay, Jess. I'm not here to hu-" I was cut off when a knife swung across my line of sight, missing my eyes by about an inch but still grazing the bridge if my nose.

Jumping back a bit, I saw Jess had her butcher's knife out and had it pointed at me. Tears were still streaming down her face and her arm looked like it was having an internal earthquake. "P-please..." She pleaded, her voice trembling along with her arm.

I didn't say anything this time. Instead, I just took a very deep breath and looked Jess in the eyes with my normal, (E/C) eyes. Something about my gaze seemed to freak her out even more because I could see her tense up. I slowly crouched down so we were eye level and, as she went for another swipe, I caught her by the wrist and took her knife from her hand. I threw it over my shoulder behind me and after I heard it thump on the carpet behind me, I held her by both of her shoulders. She let out a fearful yelp and immediately covered her face with her arms out of fear.

'I wonder...' I thought as I took my hands off of her shoulders. I grabbed both of her forearms somewhat gently and tried to pull them away from her face. As soon as my hands made contact with her arms she let out a noise that, to my confusion, sounded like one of pure terror. She wouldn't budge though, so I had to be a bit more forceful. "Jess. Look at me. Please" I said as softly as I could. She flinched as soon as I began to talk and her arms closed in tighter. 'We'll then, seems like I'm gonna have to pry in more ways than one' I thought to myself. Pulling her arms away harder, her fearful cries got slightly louder before I had her pinned to the wall behind her by her wrists. We locked eyes once again and she looked to the side, from the looks of things she definitely would have had her eyes closed if she had eyelids.

In an instant I had released her wrists and had wrapped my arms around her lower back, embracing her in a kind and warming hug. "Hey... C'mon, Jess. Don't be scared. It's just me, (Y/N)" I said in a tone as soft as I could muster. "I'm not here to hurt you, Jess. I brought you to your room to keep you safe and comfortable" I explained, keeping my tone soft as to not scare her. She didn't respond verbally, instead she just sobbed loudly. Pulling her closer and holding her head to my shoulder, I began to stroke her hair in an attempt to calm her. "Just let it all out. Let all that fear and stress go" I said, doing my best to calm her down. "Don't hold any of it back, Jess. Let the tears flow and let the cries come out. Don't worry about keeping it quiet or anything like that, these walls are soundproof remember?" I added, feeling her tears soak through the material of my shirt. "It's okay, Jess. I'm here. I'm here and I'm not gonna let go until you feel better. Let it all out" I continued.
"Wh-why?" Jess sobbed, her voice muffled due to her head still being in my shoulder.
"Why what?" I asked, my confusion genuine.
"Why a-are you he-helping me?" She asked, still sobbing.
"Question for another time" I said simply, patting her head before picking her up and sitting her on her bed. "But for now, you can get some rest. Crying the way you are, well I know how that feels. Pretty tiring right?" I asked, pulling her white covers over her and putting the few pillows she knocked off the bed behind her where they belong.
"H-how'd you know?" She asked, some real concern in her voice.
"Experience can teach a lotta things. And when you've got a backstory like mine, become quite the experienced crybaby" I explained with a shrug. "Comfy?" I asked as Jess just gave me a deadpan stare. "Want me to tuck you in then?" I asked, a small smirk under my mask.
"Y-yeah, please do" Jess said politely.
"Your wish is my command, m'lady" I said in an old timey British accent to try and lighten the mood, accompanying it with a very dramatic bow.

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