Chapter 28 | Escape and relocation

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Still (Y/N)'s POV
'What is she doing now?' I asked my spectator, feeling the girl move away from me.
"Do I really need to answer that? Just take a listen..." He responded nonchalantly. He had a good point though. The feeling of something rattling on my waist and the sound of my belt buckle echoing through the 'chamber' I was stuck in told me everything I needed to know.

"Would anyone like a lemon?" Nightmare asked, in a somewhat suggestive tone.
'I'm hungry, but I don't know about eating an entire lemon...' I thought, getting distracted from the matter at hand. 'Wait! That doesn't matter! What should I do!?' I mentally yelled in a panic.
"Well that depends" he began calmly. "You wan sum fuk?" He asked.
'No! I don't know how many people this creature person has had before!' I responded. 'If she's the mother, then god knows how many dudes she's piped to have a hive of this size!' I added, realising how little protection must have been used to get the result I'd witnessed.
"Then just roll over or pretend to wake up" he said, probably shrugging from his precious little ledge.
'Rolling over it is' I decided, and I rolled over. Or at least I tried. As soon as I began to turn I felt her grip my belt and pull me back to the exact position I was before. 'Never mind that then, let's hope being the tree's understudy in the third grade school play made me a into flawless actor' I thought to myself, irritated that I had to go with Nightmare's latter option. Faking a yawn, I sat up and propped myself up on my right arm. "Wh-what's going on?" I asked, shuffling away until my back hit the wall. Just in time too, since my belt was almost undone. Upon opening my eyes I realised that, despite the room being pretty dark, the colour of her skin made her seem to almost glow in the barely live flames of the candles.
"You... Hus... band" she said, pointing at me. "We..." She pointed to the both of us. "Make... Umm..." She stopped to think, clearly struggling to get her point across due to her lack of ability to speak English.

So instead of speaking, she did a gesture. Holding an arm out in front of her, she cupped her hand into a c-shape and made a semi-circular motion over her stomach. "Me you make" she repeated before doing the motion again.

I paused for a second to process, before speaking up. "You want to make a baby?" I asked, dumbfounded.
"Yes!" She exclaimed. "Me want baby with you!" She said, a smile on her face.
"Oh..." I responded, confused and unsure of what to do. 'What the fuck do I do!?' I exclaimed to Nightmare, having no idea on how to get out of my current predicament.
"Make the baby with her? If it goes like your first time, she might get tired out. And if that's the case then I don't see why that won't give you a window to escape" he said, seeming way too into the idea.
'Do you... feel the same pleasure as I do when I have sex?' I asked, cringing at my own statement as I saw a certain someone getting impatient.
"I wish, I only get half. But either way, I'm not complaining about free POV porn. That's honestly one of the best things to be created within the eons I've lived" he explained with a chuckle.
'I'm throwing up as soon as I get out of here' I mentally groaned. 'That's if I get out of here after this' I added, standing up and fixing my belt, only to receive a light hiss of disappointment from a certain feral female.
"Why you move?" She asked, her lack of English knowledge now heavily pouring through her statements.
"Because this isn't where I should be" I said, not moving but looking for a good spot to climb out from.
"But why? You husband" she said, a sad look on her face as she gave me a form of puppy-dog eyes.
"You... don't know a lot about marriage do you?" I asked, patting her on the head in hopes of keeping her calm. She held my hand on her head as I was about to take it back before speaking again.
"That what makes mommies and daddies?" She asked, childlike innocence in her voice.
"Not quite" I responded with a light chuckle. "Making babies makes a mommy, daddy and a baby. Marriage is what makes people Husband and Wife, or two Husbands or two Wives if you're gay" I explained, somewhat rambling in an attempt to be inclusive.
"What's a gay?" She asked, her eyes full of childlike wonder.
"How about we make a deal? I'll tell you more things that you want to know, if you show me the exit" I asked with a smile as I stretched out.
"Ex... it?" She asked with a head tilt.
"The way to leave" I explained with a small chuckle.

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