Chapter 76 | A plan in place

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Still (Y/N)'s POV
"We Zalgos are the ones who log their existence" Zalga explained, much to my surprise. "You know of the multiverse, right?" She added as I untied the noose from the ceiling beams.
"Conceptually..." I confirmed quietly as I unknotted some rope.
"Well we're a part of that. In 'Earth-Prime', as it were, Zalgo-prime logged the Creepypastas he encountered. Including himself, and his brother Slenderman" she continued. "And, unsurprisingly, this eventually became the norm for his otherworldly counterparts. Myself included" she added.
"And you just posted it online for people to see?" I asked, stepping down from the chair and taking a seat.
"The transfer from written text to online documentation made the most sense, at least for the sake of convenience" she stated. "And, since they're linked up to the multiversal server, it let's us all cross-reference and stuff" she added.
"Multiversal serv- that's possible?" I muttered, the concept of multiversal communication distracting me from my previous rage.
"I don't get it either. But one of the Zal's, probably a 'Go', figured it out and the rest of us just sort of went with the flow since it saved us all some hassle" she 'explained'.

"'Zal's'? A 'go'?" I muttered, not exactly following.
"'Zal' is the short form of 'Zalgo' and 'Zalga'. It's like a nickname, where 'Ga' is for us girls and 'Go' is for the fellas" Zalga explained.
"Right..." I mumbled, now sat on the chair with the rope in my lap. 'So, considering the multiverse is real, is there another universe where... she's alive? And Mom as well? Where Dad didn't hurt me? One where I'm... happy?' I wondered, a sinking feeling now developing in my chest. 'What's (Y/N)-prime like?' I thought. 'Am I the outlier? Or do I follow his blueprint? Did my life go so poorly purely because...

I was just unlucky?

Could such a traumatic experience be down to sheer chance?' I wondered, no longer paying attention to Zalga's ramblings about the multiverse.

"Fuck..." I mumbled slouching forward and holding my face in my hands.
"What happened?" Zalga asked, her voice muffled through my hands.
"Just had a *sigh* a really... really shitty epiphany" I admitted, rising to my feet. "Whatever though... not like it matters. Especially after this long" I added, nonchalantly tossing the noose onto my bed.
"So... about the... uhh" she began, clearly unsure of how to approach her intended subject.
"Out with it, Zalga" I said casually, walking over to my door to clean up my 'mess'.
"Are we... you know..." she mumbled, clearly taking extra caution on her subject.
"Do I forgive you? No" I answered for her, strapping a sheathed knife to the hip of my non-dominant side.
"I... um... well..."
"Do I fault you? Not entirely" I added, throwing a looser fitting coat over my hoodie to hide the knife.
"Wh-what?" She stammered, clearly caught off guard by my answer.
"War is war" I answered plainly. "What you did was... awful, simply put" I began, kicking my sneakers off and swapping them for some heavier duty boots. "But it's not like recruitment is an unlawful tactic. I mean, torturing a P.O.W is, but I feel like war crimes aren't exactly outside of your's and Slenda's... 'scopes' I guess" I noted, sliding a black boot knife into the outer inside of my boot.

"S-so... this means... what exactly?" Zalga asked nervously as I sheathed a machete and strapped it to the back of my waistband.
"You and I get to see tomorrow" I stated flatly, flapping my jacket to make sure it covered my waist-level weaponry. "And, if you start turning a new leaf, we may come out of this as friends" I added, adding a scarf for an extra layer of warmth.
"R-really?" Zalga asked sheepishly."A-are you sure? I know it's a lot to ask a-and..." she continued nervously, as I stared blankly at my bedroom door.
"Like I said, start turning a new leaf" I repeated, opening my door. "Until I see any of that, we're mere acquaintances until this is over" I finalised, taking some dramatically heavy steps downstairs.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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