Chapter 64 | Average school morning

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Still (Y/N)'s POV
"C'mon, Rachael..." I said gently, making the girl before me jump slightly. "You really wanna fight first thing in the morning?" I asked, hobbling over slowly.
"W-well... you shouldn't have done that thingy!" The Rake huffed once again, still faced away from me.
"I'm sorry" I said simply, snaking my arms around her waist and pulling her close. Her body seemed to both tense and relax at the same time, and alongside this she looked over her shoulder with pleading eyes. "Forgive me?" I asked simply.
"Mhm..." she responded shakily, nodding nervously.
"Heh, thanks" I said smugly, leaning forward and kissing her forehead. "So, want breakfast now?" I asked, separating from her and taking a step back.
"Y-yes please..." she said shyly before muttering something else under her breath.
"What was that?" I asked, groaning as I bent down to pick up the now soggy peas and wet paper towels.
"The name... I like it..." she admitted bashfully, a deep red blush sitting across her gray face. I smiled at this cuter side of her, and it warmed my heart to know that the name I decided on was one that she liked.
"I'm glad" I stated happily before heading towards the kitchen.

Noticing that I had overslept slightly, I decided cereal would be the best choice for today. It took around a minute to show Rachael where the 'ingredients' were kept and the steps on making the 'meal' and after we ate I, with great difficulty, went upstairs to get myself ready after eating. I brushed my teeth and showered pretty quickly, although due to the numerous cuts all over my body the use of both soap and shampoo really, really burned. I made the poor choice of using a white towel when I got out, a mistake that turned about 90% of this towel red with my blood. I paid this no mind however, as my attention was soon drawn to the hydrogen peroxide that I needed to soak my numerous wounds with. I bit down on my towel to muffle my yells of pain, and thankfully this didn't attract any concerned attention from Rachael (who was still downstairs eating). I leaned forward on the sink once again, panting heavily as I felt the remainder of the chemical soak into my various wounds. 'I certainly didn't miss this' I thought, missing the easy healing I got from Nightmare.

'You back yet?' I asked, only to receive no response. 'Hurry back. I need your help... unfortunately' I admitted, applying some hydrogen peroxide to a cotton pad and gently using it to clean my head wounds. After all that was said and done, I had to use most of my available bandages to cover all of my wounds. My legs felt tight within the wraps, however my chest and arms felt oddly at home. "Must be from the amount that I wear..." I assumed, thinking aloud as I finished tying up my arms. After I was done, I took another look at my now washed head wounds in the hopes of understanding the damage. I turned my head left and right to get a full scope, and there was only one injury that I had to worry about outside of the other small cuts and bruises. "This better not leave a scar" I muttered, taking note of the sizeable gash on my forehead. It was a diagonal slash, it was on the left side of my head and stemmed from the edge of eyebrow and reached all the way up to my hairline. With a sigh, I held parts of my hair up as I carefully wrapped my head with a few layers of bandage. After pulling at my hair and the bandages for a couple of minutes, I begrudgingly settled on my current appearance before putting my towel back around my waist and gathering last nights clothes before returning to my room.

Once I entered my room I rifled through my clothes for my phone, eventually finding it in my pants. I checked it for the time, only to be reminded of its lack of battery and that I hadn't charged it overnight. 'Balls' I thought, letting out an annoyed grunt before plugging it in. I laid the clothes that were still in my hands onto my desk, and I left my sewing kit to the right of them since I knew I'd have to repair them at some point. Afterwards, knowing I only had one thing left to do before leaving, I turned to my wardrobe and draws and began to rifle through them. As I began to pick out parts for an outfit, I found myself smiling as my mind flashed back to Slenda and I going through all my stuff. It felt like so long ago, but I could remember it like it was only yesterday. 'Although it's technically yet to even happen' I thought, chuckling to myself as I grabbed a red t-shirt and threw it onto my bed behind me.

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