Chapter 39 | Casual home life

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Still (Y/N)'s POV
"My horrible father and your incredibly horny sister" I answered, snickering a little out loud. "In that order too I might add" I added, realising I answered in the order I was asked.
"Damn, he really fucked you up" Liu commented.
"You have no idea" I said, turning around and using my thumb to point at the pentagram on my back.
"Wait a sec" Ann chimed in. "Don't you have bandages in your room?" She asked.
"Yup, but I was running from Jess at the time" I said to all three, so no one was left in the dark. "Hence why I'm shirtless and I didn't grab my spare mask" I explained.
"You have a spare?" Slenda asked.
"Yeah, but there's no skull on it; it's just a black piece of fabric. It's in one of my bags, I don't remember which one though..." I explained with a shrug.

"So why'd ya bust in anyway?" Liu asked, a question I knew was coming up.
"Still running from Jess, like I said: incredibly horny" I explained, chuckling a little.
"How the hell is everyone here so attracted to you?" Liu asked in bewilderment.
"At a guess, lack of male attention" I guessed, shrugging once again. 'He was right, I do shrug a lot' I thought.
"Wrong" Ann and Slenda said in unison.
"Overall sexiness?" I joked.
"Eh, partially" they responded.
"You do have a nice bod" Liu chimed in. "Even with the fuck ton of scars" she added.
"That is a turn on for some" Ann added, making both of the other girls look at her with an eyebrow raised. "What? I don't mean me..." she added bashfully, looking at the floor as she spoke.
"Well then" I said, breaking the awkward silence that came of the previous sentence. "Not that this hasn't been fun, but I'm off to grab some lunch" I said, clasping my hands together before the 'but'. "See you ladies later" I added, giving a two fingered salute with my bad arm as I reached for the door nob.
"Don't you want a shirt?" Slenda asked, making me stop before I opened the door.
"Nah, I'm riding off that ego boost you all just gave me" I responded with an unseen smile as I took my leave.

As I closed the door quietly behind me, I looked up and down the hall and saw the coast was clear. Breathing a quiet sigh of relief, I put my hands in my pockets and strolled down the hall as I hummed a tune to myself. 'Man, I wonder what there is to eat...' I thought as I got to the stairs. 'Well, I guess I'll see when I get there' I thought as I slid down the railing. I walked around the house to see nothing really going on, I didn't even see anyone on my way there. As I got into the kitchen I looked to the clock on the wall to see it was one o'clock, with a shrug I went to the fridge and looked around to see what there was to eat. I searched for about ten seconds before groaning in annoyance.
"Um, hello?" A familiar voice said from behind me. I looked over my shoulder to see Sally stood in the doorway, her hands behind her back. I gave her a silent wave as turned to her, but she immediately pulled a knife on me once I fully turned. "Don't even think about it, asshole" she said, pointing her knife at me. I held both of my hands up for her to see, letting her relax slightly. As I watched her relax slightly, I began to undo my face bandages, looking at both the backdoor and the door to the hallway as I did so.

"What're you- (Y/N)!?" Sally exclaimed as the last bandage came off.
"How's it goin'?" I asked, smiling at her. "We got anything to eat? I'm starving" I asked, patting my stomach as I spoke.
"Y... You're okay?" She asked in disbelief, unconsciously dropping her knife as she reached out to me.
'Here we go again...' I thought, walking up to her and patting her head. "I'm okay, and feeling as fresh as a daisy" I stated, pulling her into a hug. She didn't respond, but she quietly squealed as she wrapped her arms around me tightly.
"If this is a dream, I don't wanna wake up!" I heard her think. With a smug look on my face, I pinched her lower back. She yelped and pushed me back as soon as my hand made contact. "Owww..." she groaned, rubbing her 'injury'. "What was that for?" She asked, pouting at me.
"Well now you know you're not dreaming" I said smugly, trying not to laugh.
"I hate you..." she responded, her pout turning into a loving smile.
"We both know you don't mean that" I said with a smile, patting her on the head again.
"You're right" she said, going a little red at all of the affection. "Want me to make some lunch?" She asked, referring back to when I asked about food.
"If you don't mind, then yes plea- oh shit..." I cut myself off as I heard a rush of footsteps heading to the kitchen.

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