Chapter 66 | Mental meetup

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Still Lazari's POV
"No one's safety can be guaranteed..." Lazarus stated ominously as Coach began to give us our lesson plan.
'Well, at least we'll be okay' I stated, referring to my friends at home. After a few seconds of internal silence, a feeling of worry set in again as I headed off with the rest of my female classmates. 'We'll be okay... right?' I asked, only to once again receive silence. 'Right, Lazarus?' I asked, my worry now amplifying.
"I... do not know" she mumbled. "Something about him... it terrifies me" she admitted, an unfamiliar tone of concern in her voice.
'He scares you!?' I asked in disbelief.
"I don't know what it is, be it his corruption or something else entirely, but we should tread lightly regardless" she instructed calmly.
'I think we're in too deep to 'tread lightly', but I'll try...' I agreed, now joining in with the stretches that my classmates were doing.

(Y/N)'s POV
'That's lap three' I counted, doing my best to keep my pace up. 'Man, this is gonna get boring' I mentally grumbled, letting out an audible groan of annoyance. 'I wonder...' I thought, memorising the distances of each edge of the field as I ran them. I closed my eyes as I turned the corner, and as my consciousness slowly faded away I smiled at the fact that my body continued to run at a consistent pace. Soon enough, I slowly opened my eyes to see myself stood within my dreamscape once again. I quickly checked myself over, and I had seemingly arrived wearing the clothes that I wore in the real world. 'Which means no weapons...' I noted, keeping my guard up as I began to look around. I couldn't see anything off in the distance, although the black clouds that rolled through the blood red sky certainly kept me on edge.

"Hellooo!?" I called out, walking off in no particular direction. "Anyone in here!?" I added, only to be met with my own distant echo as a response. I stayed quiet for a few minutes longer, but it didn't take long for the surrounding silence to irritate me. "Is there really no one else here!?" I yelled out, my voice once again echoing dramatically across the void. The echo soon died down, and after the silence returned I slumped forward in defeat. I let out a sigh of frustration as my head hung down, but after I heard footsteps heading in my direction my attention immediately snapped forward. The footsteps sounded distant, so I quickly looked around for the source. In front of me was just the never ending void, so I spun around to check my backside. "Woah!" I exclaimed in surprise, jumping back after seeing a giant red eye staring at me from just a few inches away. "Hello again" I said calmly, raising my fists defensively.
"Hello, (Y/N). How's your morning going?" Zalga asked kindly, holding her hands together behind her as she spoke.
"Terribly, but thank you for asking" I answered, evidently struggling to hold my demon voice.

"How's yours?" I asked, deciding that friendly conversation was the best way to avoid any conflict.
"Rather interesting, thank you very much" Zalga stated with a smile. "This mind of yours, it is absolutely incredible!" She complimented cheerily.
"Uhh... thanks?" I responded skeptically, unknowingly lowering my fists slightly.
"Oh no, thank you for hosting" she said, her smile turning somewhat smug.
"Hosting?" I asked confusedly, dropping the voice entirely to avoid the growing pain in my throat.
"Yes, hosting" Zalga confirmed. "This is within your mind after all, my being here isn't possession based" she explained simply.
"Then... how did you get here?" I asked, my face wrought with confusion.
"It's... kind of a long story. And one I don't particularly understand myself" she admitted with a nervous laugh.

I had dropped my guard entirely by this point, but it was evident that Zalga wasn't holding hers up either. I put my hand on my chin to think for a moment, and Zalga patiently waited for me to speak up again. "Do you know the details of how I... 'returned'?" I asked, looking up at Zalga once again before speaking.
"You time travelled to the future, then back to the closer future, and then here to the past, right?" She asked, to which I nodded in response.
"Since you already know that much, that makes my next question easier to ask" I muttered to myself. "Which timeline are you from?" I asked bluntly, wanting to get straight to the point.
"Well... none of them" she answered with a shrug. I raised an eyebrow in confusion and stared up at Zalga, utterly dumbfounded. "Although, technically I'm from this current timeline - but I'm not the same Zalga I was two days ago" she noted.

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