Chapter 27 | Showtime!

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Third Person POV
"We show 'em what 'show time' really looks like!" You exclaimed valiantly, breaking into a sprint that could only be described as something ripped straight out of an anime about ninjas.
"Now you're speaking my language!" Nightmare said, his tone matching yours almost identically.

As your voice echoed throughout the halls of the cave, it was pretty obvious that a stealthy escape wasn't going to happen. "On your right!" Nightmare called as you were making your way through a hall. Ducking down further and pointing the machete to the right, you watched as a Rake dived straight for you. But luckily before its claws could reach you its throat had been impaled by your blade. "Well at least we know it's sharp enough" Nightmare commented. "The question however is: will it last?" He added as the Rake fell back, taking the machete with it and out of your hand as it thudded onto the floor.
"Well let's find out" you said, putting your heel on the Rake's face as you yanked the machete back out. "Where should we go from here?" You asked, realising that you were in the middle of a four-way intersection.
"Updating your HUD now..." Nightmare added, with the sound of a keyboard clicking and clacking away.
"Think you could fix that armour bar too?" You asked smugly, realising some parts hadn't been updated yet.
"Done aaaaaaaand done" he said, various parts of the HUD changing. "Now just follow the new waypoint and you should be out of here in no time" he added.
"Alright, I'm trusting you. Although I don't trust your use of 'should'" you said as you began to sprint off in the direction your waypoint indicated.

Of course your trip through the cave wasn't without its hardships. At most corners you would have been encountered by either one or two of the creatures, however with the help of Nightmare's call-outs and your new assortment of weapons, all of the battles were finished by using with more-or-less minimal effort. All of the fights, except for one. The one you were in after your ninth corner. Seeming like the Rakes had gotten smarter, they had learned that it would take more than two or three to stop you. So doing a quick head count you saw that there were at least ten before you were charged by the entire crowd at once.

"Shit!" You exclaimed, running the other way as waves of screeching and roaring monsters attempted to swarm you. "Why are there so many!?" You added, weaving in and out of the various cave branches in hopes of escaping (yet to no avail).
"Where are you going, dumbass!?" Nightmare yelled. "The exit's the other direction!" He barked.
"Yeah, no shit!" You responded, hearing rapid footsteps closing in. "But do you really expect me to run through that!?" Pointing behind you, only to immediately pull your arm back as a Rake reached for it.
"Good point" he responded nonchalantly. "Quick! In there! The room with no enemies!" He added, referencing a small heart shaped room on your map.
"Are you kidding!? They'll follow me straight in!" You yelled, the plan not sounding very secure.
"Then toss the machete when you turn the corner! You're still ahead by enough to catch these dumbasses out!" He explained, more than likely flapping his arms about like a toddler.
"I'm trusting you on this one..." You said under your breath.
"You've said that a lot so far, and you still in one piece, right?" Nightmare remarked smugly as you turned on your heel and bolted through a doorway to your left. Putting as much force as you could behind it, you tossed the machete as soon as you faced the new corridor that you were presented with and dived into the room that was just across before hiding behind the lip that created the 'door', making sure the machete bounced off the floor to create enough of a distraction.

Holding your breath in anticipation, you listened close and heard the thudding of feet and the scratching of claws pass through until all of their noise became a faint echo throughout the cave - much to your relief.

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