Chapter 68 | Dishonourable mention

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Still (Y/N)'s POV
"...ZaL... gA?" Nightmare asked, weakly and distortedly. I yelped in a panic, and meekly looked over my shoulder to see him. He was still in the same place as before, however he was now looking down slightly. My heart sank in fear after seeing him, due to the red glow in his eyes that shone through the unnatural shadow that was now cast over them. He took a step towards me after he spoke, a step that seemed to be followed by an violent and echoing boom. "DiD yoU..." he began, taking another thunderous step closer. "iS sHe..." he asked weakly, despite his tone the presence he now exuded was terrifying me down to the core. "iS sHe... heRe?" He asked, the crackling sound of fire now getting steadily louder.

I continued to hyperventilate in a panic, my body now frozen in fear. As he slowly approached, I felt the ground under my feet weaken slightly. Nightmare's head jolted up and his face contorted into what could only be described as malicious joy, and as his body began to crackle with energy I felt myself sink down slightly. I watched in terror as Nightmare raised his fist, and I froze in despair as he violently lunged towards me. He left the ground with another thunderous *BOOM* and, out of fear and reflex, I ducked down as fast as I could.

I had intended to drop down to all fours and scramble away, but much to my surprise I noticed something upon getting down. As I was mid-crouch, I turned my attention to the ground and saw a slowly growing ring of fire. In a moment of hope, I grasped the flaming edges and pushed them outwards. My palms sizzled at the touch, but my fearful adrenaline allowed me to ignore the pain before I dove through. I didn't even look before jumping through the flaming ring, I just hoped it was a portal of Zalga's and not an attack from Nightmare. I felt a rush of heat barely miss my heel and I was fully engulfed by the ring, and after a second I landed somewhere dark.

My view was entirely obstructed, and going off of feel alone I also landed somewhere uneven. My hands landed next to my head, but despite landing on all fours my knees were lower down. Unsure of what I landed on, I decided to try and get a feel. I squeezed whatever was in my hands a few times, and it responded with an oddly satisfying and squishy feeling. Before I could think any further, a familiar sound of someone clearing their throat caught my attention. "I know I'm the one who proposed an alliance last night, but I think we're moving a bit too fast..." a familiar demonic voice said timidly. My head quickly shot up upon hearing this, and I saw that I was in the situation I feared. I had effectively mounted Zalga, my knees were by her waist and I previously had my head between her breasts. The very same that I had accidentally groped.

I jumped to my feet as my nose began to bleed, but before I could form even a single word my attention was drawn ahead of me. There was a sudden metallic *CRUNCH* that echoed out in front of me, and as Zalga got to her feet we both knew what it was. Zalga and I were now on the outside of the birdcage, and Nightmare was staring at us while he gripped onto the bars tight. He didn't speak a word, but his hands were visibly shaking with the force that he was squeezing the bars. His eyes were wide as he stared at the two of us, and energy began to crackle around him once again.  His body was quickly enveloped in an aura of flames, and as I heard distant screams echo around once again as my eyes met his. Shortly after, I caught myself involuntarily shuffling away. I zoned back in as my right heel slipped off of the platform, and a sudden heat rushed up my spine. I looked back to see a stray flame lashing out, so I quickly moved out of the danger zone before turning my attention back to the situation at hand. I was able to tell that Zalga was uncharacteristically tense at the sight before her, and as I looked to Nightmare I saw that he held his arm out with his open palm pointed towards Zalga and I.

As sparks and embers began to leap off of his arm, I recognised what he was doing and my body lurched into action. Knowing he was readying a fireball, and that Zalga and I were in no position to counter, I jumped in front of her and pulled her down. "Hit the deck!" I yelled, turning my back to Nightmare and using my body to shield Zalga. I closed my eyes as I braced for the flaming impact, but the sound of lightning striking behind me caught my attention. I turned around slowly, and I was met with the whole birdcage buzzing with blue electricity. It ran down the bars and across the floor, resulting in Nightmare getting caught among the shocks. He backed away from the bars in anguish, and after his moment of being electrocuted he fell to his knees. He panted heavily, and as I suddenly felt my stomach wound close I watched as he clutched his own in pain.

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