Chapter 54 | Autopilot antics

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Still (Y/N)'s POV
'And now to find the exit...' I mentally groaned, placing my hands in my pockets before walking forward. 'Man, of course I just had to be under the part of town where I don't know the street layout...' I grumbled, letting out a sigh of annoyance while Nightmare obnoxiously snored away.

(Time skip, brought to you by some Turtles with a crippling Pizza addiction)

"Oh god, I think I stepped in shit" I groaned, grabbing onto a ladder and scraping the bottom of my shoes on the concrete beneath me.
"Well you definitely smell like it" Nightmare commented as I began climbing the ladder.
'And not to mention I feel like it too' I added mentally, now just beneath my exit manhole and doing my best to open it. 'Why the hell is this one so sturdy!?' I wondered, basically punching it in an attempt to un-wedge the circular exit.
"City priorities?" He pondered, albeit sarcastically. "Or, more realistically, the dumbasses who put it in were on their first day of the job" he added, with me now finally making some leeway by kicking upwards.
'Maybe' I thought, the image of two novice construction guys struggling to fit a manhole making its way into my mind. 'Well, you can't blame the newbies for doing their best' I mentally added, my frustration fading simply because of the funny imagery in my mind.
"Nah, you definitely can" he responded, ever the critic. "How the hell you gonna get the job and still suck at it?" He added, the smell of fresh air now seeping through the small gap I made.
'You've... never had a job before, have you?' I asked, worming my fingers into the gap I had made - and receiving silence as a result. 'Ha, knew it' I added smugly, finally managing to leverage this manhole cover.

'Do you guys even have jobs in... I'm assuming Hell?' I asked as I finally pulled myself out of the sewer.
"When you're as amazing me, you don't need a job" Nightmare retorted, trying to recover the position he preferred as I placed the cover back over manhole.
'Dude... you're so lame' I mocked, stifling a laugh before looking around to figure out where I ended up. 'I can't believe this eons-old, self-proclaimed super demon has been unemployed for his whole existence!' I continued, now trying really hard to not laugh out loud.
"Hey, fuck you!" He yelled, very evidently annoyed whilst I giggled my way out of this alleyway I appeared in. "I'm not tryna take shit from you" he continued, clearly deeply offended at me poking fun at him.
'Dude, chill out' I said calmly, no longer laughing at the situation as I attempted to diffuse it.
"Chill out!? FuCkinG cHilL oUt!?" Nightmare yelled, his vocal distortion now revealing itself as he got more and more worked up. "YoU knOw wHaT!?" He continued, the world around me quickly fading away and leaving me stood in an all too familiar void. "ClAsS iS iN seSsiOn" his voice echoed, before he then walked through the darkness before me and showed himself.

"And lesson one is on my teacher's pent up aggression?" I asked, getting into a defensive stance and eying up my well-dressed opponent.
"ExActlY!" He responded, summoning a shadow sword before leaping into the air and flying towards me. I dove out of the way and rolled to give myself some breathing room, but before I could even make a joke about Elder Ring or Dim Souls he was attacking me again.
"Oh shit!" I exclaimed, watching this genuine demon launch combo after combo at me whilst very literally dodging for my life.
"STOP DODGING!" Nightmare yelled angrily, his swords once again slamming into the ground. "FOLLOW THE LESSON PLAN!" He added, his tone unchanging.
"You never gave one to follow, dumbass!" I yelled back, understandably annoyed at this oversight.
"THEN FIGURE ONE OUT, FUCK-KNUCKLE!" He continued, swinging and slashing with murderous intent.
"Can the lesson be on dodging and weaving!?" I questioned, still dodge rolling and attempting to make some leeway in the not-getting-killed department.
"NO!" He roared, slamming the sword into the ground - piercing where I was pre-dodge. "You do that WAY too much!" He explained, pulling his sword out of the ground and pointing it at me. We stood at a standstill for a moment, until I chose to speak up in an attempt to gain something out of this endeavour.
"Then what do you suggest this lesson be, dear teacher?" I asked calmly, hoping he could redirect his mood switch into something useful for the both of us.

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